Tarot Reading for the Sagittarius New Moon
Happy New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26th, 2019! Sagittarius is the Fire sign of expansion and vision. The energy of Fire shines light and gives heat. Choose to use your Fire to consciously expand and create your desires with Sagittarius’ helpful vibe this New Moon. Remember, the Sun is also in Sagittarius right now, a double Sagittarius dose that only comes at this special time to light up your soul at the darkest time of year. Use it well!
Here are some action ideas for the New Moon in Sagittarius:
~ Make a vision board or create a 5 year plan for your future
~ List or describe your personal values and values of your community
~ Read a book of philosophy or journal about what brings meaning to your life
~ Do something fun and lively with family and friends, dancing is encouraged and bonfires
~ Plan a trip or go on a trip to someplace new
~ Go to a cultural event that immerses you in a foreign lan
~ Do a gratitude practice, or start a daily practice of listing 3 things you are grateful for
Here are some reflection questions for the New Moon in Sagittarius:
~ Where am I ready to grow and expand in my life?
~ Where am I cutting off expansion because of limiting thoughts about what is possible?
~ What do I need to release in order to create room for expansion?
~ What adventure and opportunity awaits this month?
~ How can I push myself out of my comfort zone?
~ What brings meaning to my life?
~ What will help me redirect my focus away from negativity and stagnation?
~ What would I like to study or explore?
~ How can I authentically practice gratitude and appreciation of all that I have?
~ How can I authentically practice optimism and positivity?
Here is the tarot reading for the collective:
Linestrider Tarot Deck: Ace of Wands, Nine of Wands, The Hermit reversed
Where are you ready for growth and expansion in your life?- Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is calling you towards new creative expression. Sagittarius and Wands are both Fire energy, the fire that lights you up inside. At this New Moon take a moment to reflect on what you are passionate about, what seeds you want to plant, what you would like to create during the next moon cycle. What are you really enthusiastic about, even if it scares you to contemplate making or doing it?!
As this is the end of the year, it is also worth thinking about if there is a longer term creative project that you would like to kick off now that you could work on through the next year. Don’t underestimate the power of a Sagittarius New Moon to light a fire inside your heart that burns long and bright. The Ace of Wands offers you a beginning, a single spark ready to ignite a bonfire of expansion and growth in the year ahead.
Where are you cutting off expansion and growth due to limiting thoughts or beliefs?- Nine of Wands
Yes, a fire that burns long and bright does sound amazing but it also sounds a bit tiring or scary, doesn’t it? It can be hard to muster up the courage to go after what you really want. It can be scary to risk failure or defeat. It can be difficult to sustain a long term creative project and see it to completion. So often we know what we want to do or create in this world but we feel like forces are against us, it’s too hard, we aren’t worthy, or any other limiting belief. But you don’t have to believe those things, especially since they aren’t true or valid excuses. You can take radical responsibility for your life.
One thing to remember is that you are strong and determined and can persevere through those difficult times. Decide what you want to make and commit to wanting that more than anything else, even when it’s tough. Another thing to remember is that you don’t have to be stoking that fire 24/7. You can let your creative cycles ebb and flow, perhaps with the waxing and waning of the Moon, along with your menstrual cycle, or with the seasons of the year. Those are just some examples of working with energy cycles. You can explore how to sustain a long term creative project using any kind of energetic cycles that works for you, just know that sometimes you’ll be a raging wildfire of creativity and sometimes you’ll just be an ember banked in the coals for later ignition.
What opportunities and adventure awaits you in the month ahead?- The Hermit reversed
The key to having fun and adventures this month lies in getting out of your comfort zone and also getting out of the house. You can’t be a hermit if you want adventure this month! Opportunity is not going to come knocking on your door, you’re going to have to go find it. Or if it does come knocking directly at your house, it’s going to invite you to leave that known space and go out into the unknown.
You also are going to do this fun stuff with other people, interacting with your social circle and also meeting new people and trying new activities. So, in the month ahead, if you would like new opportunities and a little bit of adventure, get out and about where the people are. Accept invitations to holiday parties or end of the year celebrations. Go out to a new class or event or date. Expand your reach beyond your intimate circle and see who and what else is out there to discover.
Happy New Moon in Sagittarius! I hope you enjoyed this reading. If you’d like a personalized reading, please get in touch. I do online readings through email or in-person readings near Chester, VT. Also, keep your eyes and ears out for my special New Year 2020 reading offer coming next week! It’s going to include an extra bonus that has me deep in creation mode right now. I, for one, am definitely drawing on this Sagittarius New Moon to help me create something that is going to truly help us all have an amazing year 2020!