Moving on with the VIII of Cups
I realized the other day while writing my monthly newsletter (sign up here if you’re interested) that I recently wrote a blog post about the VIII of Pentacles, the VIII of Wands, and the VIII of Swords. Well what about the VIII of Cups!? I may as well finish off my journey through the VIIIs in the minor arcana and write about the VIII of Cups today.
The VIII of Cups tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck.
The VIII of Cups is a beautiful card, in my opinion. The image of the solo hiker , walking along a rugged shoreline in the moonlight, on the Pamela Coleman Smith version is striking to me. I do so like to set off into the wilderness by myself from time to time. And, as a Cancer, I resonate with Cups cards as they are of the water element, like Cancer. Perhaps there is a piece of me that like the symbolism of walking away from those Cups, distancing myself from all that emotion. It’s nice to take a break from the emotional depths and turmoil that can be a regular part of my life. So overall, I have a positive association with the VIII of Cups.
Which may make me sort of an anomaly. There is generally a bit of a nose wrinkle or sigh of defeat when the VIII of Cups comes up in a reading. It usually shows up when it is time to release and let go of something. And usually that something is a very important something that you’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and heart into and therefore aren’t pumped about letting go.
It’s hard to let go when you’ve put so much effort into creating something. Usually, with the Cups, we are talking about a relationship or connection that is very meaningful to you. I’ve seen this card come up around a breakup or divorce many a time. The advice is to end the attachment, but the client generally doesn’t want to because of all the effort that went into creating that relationship. It was once so powerful and deep, but now it feels shallow and uninspiring. Was it a waste of time? Was it all for nothing?
The short answer: no. It wasn’t all for nothing. It never is.
All of the experiences we have in our lives add up. They create us. They shape us. They change us. You don’t need to know how or why, although if you do, that’s nice and helpful. You just need to trust that it is happening and that it is meant for you. Whatever bullshit it may have included, it was still meant for you to experience. That’s the message of the VIII of Cups: life is difficult, but it is beautiful because it holds deep meaning. You stay and learn and then when it is over, you move on and grow.
VIII of Cups from the Shadowscapes tarot deck.
The VIII of Cups isn’t asking you to move from one relationship to the next, though. The figure in the card here is not off to start some new romance. Instead, take time for yourself. Integrate the significant lessons you’ve learned from the relationship. Love teaches us so much about ourselves. You need to go off and be quiet for a while so that you can distill those insights and integrate them into your consciousness. This is a time for deep reflection and developing self-understanding.
The VIII of Cups is also a card that relates to the major arcana card number VIII which is Strength. There is a megaton of courage and fortitude necessary to break away from a deep connection, say that it has served its purpose, and move on with your life. That takes so much strength! It is also takes inner reserves, the depth of self-understanding and compassion you can draw on to get through tough times. You can do hard things. You are not a failure, you are a human being doing her best.
I’m publishing this post on October 2nd when there is an eclipse in the sign of Libra. While Libra is not a Cups card (it’s Air element, so Swords), Libra is a relationship sign. It rules the 7th house in astrology, which is the house of connections and relationships of all kinds. I’m sure many of us are going through some interesting or tough relationship stuff right now at the eclipse. It can be nice to know that the Universe is kicking up shit for you even though that means these things are outside your control. It’s just how the wind is blowing.
If you’re going through a lot with this eclipse, take it easy on yourself. Eclipse energy can be dramatic, draining, overwhelming, etc. Give yourself time to rest and integrate over the next week or so. The VIII of Cups can be a support when we realize that we need to move on from a relationship. Use the energy of this card to go within, to draw on your hidden reserves of strength, and to reflect upon all that you’ve learned since the eclipse in Libra last October.
And remember, it’s often not anyone’s fault that a relationship dissolves. Some people come into our lives for a period of time and then that time is up and it is time to move on. Not all relationships are life-long. In fact, most are not, am I right? The older I get the more people I see come in and out of my life. Sometimes we keep in touch with past friends, but oftentimes it’s just as valid and nice to let them go and remember them with fondness.
And lastly, not all of us are going to be having relationship issues. You might be reading this and thinking- my relationship is rock solid and amazing. Of course, we don’t all go through the exact same things at the same time! I’ll give you one little bit of food for thought, though- what about your relationship with yourself? Personally, I’m ready to let go of a lot of the bullshit that I create in my relationship with myself. I’m ready to be less self critical and more compassion. I’m ready to be less judgemental and more accepting. I’m ready to love myself the way I am, not withholding my approval until I meet some conditions. Now can I release something at this New Moon eclipse in Libra? I’m going to try my hardest!