Christmas and the X of Pentacles
Happy Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Yule again! Happy last week of the year!
Today, I thought I share what tarot card I think represents Christmas. It also represents Yule to me. As I wrote last week, I don’t actually celebrate Christmas in any religious sense and it feels like when you take the Christianity out of Christmas, what you end up with are mostly traditional Yule celebrations. So, take what makes sense to you and don’t read any religious connotation into the word Christmas here if that is a possibility for you.
To be honest, when I was trying to think of a tarot card to relate to Yule the one that sprang immediately to mind to capture my mood at the moment was the IX of Swords. No, that has nothing to do with the spirit or tradition of Christmas itself, but it can capture a unique energy that becomes quite pronounced at this time of year. ANXIETY! To me, there’s so much anxiety around the logistics of the holiday season. There are places to go and people to see. There are gifts to buy and make and wrap. There are cookies to make and mac and cheez to whip up. There are parties, and get-togethers, and fundraisers, and work hangs, and big family gatherings. There are people coming into town and guests beds to make and so many things to organize.
I had so much going on this month, between time management for four different jobs, a trip out West to visit my bestie, a work trip, holiday shopping (those damn gifts!), making sure my dog is happy, scheduling lots of time for traditions, making and wrapping presents, drinking enough nog, and hopefully getting some sleep- it’s was lot. There was many a night when I found myself awake, sitting up in bed with a million thoughts swirling through my mind, much like the figure on the IX of Swords. I just wanted my mind to quiet down so I could sleep!
But ya know, what? I just wrote about the IX of Swords a few months ago, and that post is awesome. I actually reread it last night and took my own advice on coping mechanisms for stress. What do you know, I had some good ideas for me? Ha! So if you’re stressed out at Christmas, go read that post.
X of Pentacles tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
So I decided to dig a little deeper, or perhaps just go a bit more traditional with the true meaning of Yule. A more inspirational or beautiful card for the holiday time is the X of Pentacles. This card makes me think of extended family coming together, the generations gathering to celebrate in unity. There is a sense that we are all in this together and we get to partake in each other’s good fortune. I love coming together with family this time of year and I hope you do to, whether that is your blood relatives or you family of choice, spending time with the people we love is nourishing for the soul.
The X of Pentacles has a grounding energy, earthy like the evergreen boughs that we all love to bring into our homes. This is the time of year when the Sun is in practical and stable Capricorn. We feel our responsibility to each other and to take good care of ourselves. Coming home can mean coming back to our roots and feeling more firmly connected to our essential self. The frenetic fire energy of Sagittarius that rules the weeks leading up to Yule is gently banked with earth and we feel a earthiness pervade the scene. We can take a deep breathe and be still and present like an evergreen tree.
The X is also a culmination; it is the perfect card for the end of the year. We have come all this way, getting through a whole year of pleasures and perils, and now we have reached this moment where we can look back with pride and a sense of accomplishment. We have each worked hard throughout the year to make our dreams come true, do good work, get the resources that we need, and make a stable home and family for ourselves. Hopefully, we can now take a break at the end of the year to notice our progress, to relax, to be content with everything that we’ve done. It’s time to be grateful, to be together, and to celebrate life.
X of Pentacles tarot card from the Wild Unknown tarot deck.
This X energy of culmination can also indicate an overflowing or abundance. I don’t know about you, but I like to overdo it just a wee bit at Christmas. This extravagance usually comes in the form of eating a lot of sugar, staying up past my bedtime to chat with family, giving everyone I love gifts just because I can, and basically trying to enjoy everything to the max. It can feel like a time to go out with a bang at the end of the year. All bets are off and we can really live it up! This abundance doesn’t go unrecognized, though. It is gratefully acknowledged and mindfully worked into my actions. I’m not just mindlessly eating cookies, I’m enjoying each one as a special treat that is nourishing in it’s own way, as candy for my soul.
I hope you find something stabilizing today to make you feel grounded, calm, collected, and content. I hope your year of 2024 had some truly wonderful accomplishments and you feel fulfilled and able to recognize your successes. I hope you feel abundant and grateful. I hope you have some X of Pentacles vibes today that engender a feeling of investment in your future, a sense of sustainability, and leave you feeling satisfied at the end of this magical day. Happy Christmas! Happy Yule!