Equinox Transition Check In
Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash.
We’re coming to another quarter point on the Wheel of the Year this week as we edge towards the Equinox on Sunday, September 22nd. This is a time of transition as the seasons change and the light slowly diminishes to the shortest day of the year here in the northern hemisphere. If you like a good transition time, this Equinox is extra potent as it falls in between the eclipses on September 17th and October 2nd.
I hope you are ready for some changes!
If you’re not so sure about change or what change or who changing or any of that stuff, the Equinox can be an excellent time to do a little quarterly check in on your life.
Personally, I like to check in at the turn of each month to set goals and write down accomplishments. (If you would like a free PDF of my monthly check in pages, you can download that here.) But a monthly check in can be too narrowly focused- I can’t see the big picture of my life over the time span of just one month. So I like to add in a quarterly check in to get a better grasp on how the year is going as a whole.
I’d like to give you some reflection questions and action items to help you do a check in of your own. I hope you find these suggestions worthwhile and useful!
The Autumn Equinox, known as Mabon in the Wiccan community, is a time to harvest, to acknowledge the fruits of the earth, and to celebrate the last abundance of the summer. It does mark the official end of summer in these parts, even though we are enjoying 80 degree days still and cool dips in the river.
Here are some fun and useful action items that could create joy for you this weekend. Choose what speaks to you, one or all of the them!
Host a dinner party and call it a feast of celebration.
Practice gratitude for the Earth by tidying or caring for a natural place you love.
Go on a walk in nature or otherwise immerse yourself in the outdoors.
Harvest vegetables from your garden and preserve them for the winter months. If you don’t grow vegetables, go to a farmer’s market or produce market and put something away for the winter.
Pick apples in an orchard or go to a pumpkin patch to get your jack-o-lantern.
Cook a nourishing meal with lots of local produce and eat it with mindful intention.
Clean your house and get rid of any summer items you didn’t use or no longer need.
Get together with family or friends to spend time outdoors and be grateful for all that you have.
Take a day off from complaining- try to say only positive things.
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash.
All of these sound like fun to me! To be perfectly honest, I’m going to a beer festival this weekend, which feels like a perfect way to celebrate the Equinox to me. I will be tasting locally brewed libations with other beer lovers outside in the sunshine on a Saturday afternoon. Then on Sunday, I will be doing some autumn landscaping and clean up down at our A-frame campsite in the woods. We are hoping to get it ready to rent out on Hipcamp in the spring, so if you’re looking for a fun place to camp in Vermont next year, look us up!
As always, I encourage you to engage in self-reflection. Mabon is a time to practice gratitude, reflect on the choices you have made, and steer your path in the direction that you desire. As an Equinox, it is a time of equal day and equal night, which brings the theme of balance into your life.
Here are some questions to help you frame your reflection practice:
What is at the forefront of my mind right now, taking up the most mental energy?
Am I utilizing my time the way I would like to use it?
What feels out of balance in my life and how can I remedy that balance?
What feels in balance in my life and deserves my recognition?
What projects or goals have I been working towards this year?
Have I made progress on these goals in the last 3 months?
What progress would I like to make towards these goals in the next 3 months?
What will I regret if I don’t do it now?
What does my body need to feel healthy and nourished?
How can I create a cozier and more inviting home environment for myself?
What do I need to organize, prioritize, or strategize at this time?
What am I most grateful for right now?
How can I show my gratitude to others?
I am sending you Mabon blessings, abundance and gratitude, and most of all a smooth transition into the next season of your life. And as always, a tarot reading can be helpful for setting goals and figuring out how to make peaceful transitions. Get in touch for a reading anytime! I look forward to connecting with you.