New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading
The New Moon in Pisces is on February 27th at 7:44pm EST. I thought today I’d do a tarot reading for the collective to help us set intentions with the New Moon. I do a three card reading at each New Moon based upon the themes of the astrological sign that the Moon is entering. I’d love to share that reading with you today. But first a few ideas about a Pisces New Moon:
Major Themes for New Moon in Pisces:
~ Intuition, visions, psychic energy, creativity
~ Daydreams, imagination, and fantasies
~ Connection to all that is, harmony
~ Raising your vibration, healing your spirit
~ Clearing emotional blocks
~ Practicing compassion and loving kindness
~ Spirituality, connection to soul purpose
Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash
Major Themes for New Moon in Pisces:
~ Intuition, visions, psychic energy, creativity
~ Daydreams, imagination, and fantasies
~ Connection to all that is, harmony
~ Raising your vibration, healing your spirit
~ Clearing emotional blocks
~ Practicing compassion and loving kindness
~ Spirituality, connection to soul purpose
Actions for the New Moon in Pisces:
~ Pay attention to your dreams at night, keep a dream journal
~ Express yourself creatively: drawing, painting, dance, or writing
~ Allow psychic and intuitive messages to come through
~ Spend time quietly and tranquilly, alone or with family and friends
~ Take a long bath or go swimming, spend time near water
~ Journal and listen to soothing music, take a time out, sleep longer
~ Volunteer to help others or give away personal possessions
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash
New Moon Reflection Questions:
~ What special message does my intuition have for me?
~ What are my dreams trying to communicate to me?
~ What subconscious knowing can come to the surface now?
~ How can I see through delusion and fantasy?
~ How can I root myself in reality?
~ How can I be more creative in my day-to-day life?
~ How can I express my artistic vision and creativity?
~ How can I clear blockages in my emotional realm so that my vibration can be raised and connected to my higher self?
~ How can I commit myself to healing and recovery?
~ What will help me practice patience when growth feels slow?
~ What can I contribute to the wholeness of the planet?
~ How can I show compassion for myself and others?
Now a tarot reading for the collective! Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
We’ll use the following prompts from above:
~ What special message does my intuition have for me? – Strength
~ How can I express my artistic vision and creativity? – VII of Pentacles reversed
~ How can I contribute to the wholeness of the planet? – The Hermit
Tarot cards from the Maya Land tarot deck: Strength, VII of Pentacles reversed, and The Hermit
What special message does my intuition have for me? – Strength
Right out of the gate, the Pisces New Moon has an encouraging and powerful piece of advice from your intuition: Strength. You are strong. You have inner wells of deep fortitude and perseverance. You are capable of hard things and many things. You can love yourself fiercely and passionately. You move through this world with a solid backbone of self understanding and self acceptance. This is a gift.
If you’re not feeling connected to your inner Strength, this Pisces New Moon is the time to make that connection. This isn’t like a maybe you can do it. This is a birth right. This is a given. This is destiny. You were born into this world to be simply you. So obviously, you don’t need to be anyone else. Isn’t that liberating? Look inward, that is all that is required of you. This takes courage, but that is on offer right now. Be brave. Be courageous. You’re one tough cookie.
Strength also asks you to be compassionate. The world is a difficult place, it is easy to connect with that pain and hardship with the Pisces New Moon. Strength asks you to be patient and try not to rage at the world and all the things that are unfair and unjust. It is not that rage isn’t warranted, it is just that it won’t do much good. If you need to blow off steam, by all means, get angry, yell into your pillow, dance it out, whatever you need to do. But then come back to the gentle ferocity of Strength and move the world through you compassion and control.
How can I express my artistic vision and creativity? – VII of Pentacles reversed
The VII of Pentacles reversed is here to tell you that you are doing an excellent job already of expressing your artistic vision and creativity. Did you know that? Have you noticed yourself recently? I’m guessing probably not. We just don’t reflect, notice, and congratulate ourselves enough. It is time to take stock of where you are at with your creative vision at this New Moon. Set aside time to notice how far you have come, all that you have created, and how amazing your are.
I know, that sounds unsexy or uncomfortable. You probably want to do more, to charge ahead, to get inspiration or drive for that next big thing. But we can’t always be rushing forward. I want to make it mandatory that you stop and notice. Rushing ahead to the next thing creates a nonstop cycle of creation that isn’t sustainable or healthy. It doesn’t allow the space that you need to rest, recharge, and bask in your own glory.
Yes, this New Moon is basking time. Go over what you have accomplished in the last month, this year so far, this decade of the 2020s, and even through your whole life. Why not go way back!? Remember when you were 10 years old, wouldn’t that child version of you be really impressed with some of the things you’ve done since then? However it works best for you to reflect on your achievements, spend time in that mental space. You need this. You need to put on the brakes and take stock of everything that you’ve done until now. This nourishes the soul. And it also sets you up for continued progress. Maybe just wait until the New Moon in Aries next month to really zoom ahead.
How can I contribute to the wholeness of the planet? – The Hermit
Oh yes, The Hermit makes an appearance during our Year of The Hermit! This is beautiful. I love to see The Hermit in any reading, but especially right after I wrote all about The Hermit last week. It feels like the message is being driven home- what the world needs right now is for us all to take some Hermit time: retreat, soul search, find your inner wisdom, and come to the next level or your evolution. That is what heals the rifts that are threating our society and planet.
This message may be particularly soothing to you if you’re one of those people who really wants to help but isn’t attracted to politics, community organizations, activism or the like. It can make you feel guilty that you’re not calling your senator every day, running for office, marching in the streets, or otherwise visibly contributing. But The Hermit says that inner work is also really important. As within, so without. If we each create a sanctuary within ourselves for the safety of the planet, we can shine that energy out into the world around us. I know it might not sound as useful as demonstrating, but it is useful. You are contributing. Vibes matter.
This is not to say that we shouldn’t be active in the outer world as well. This is simply a call to everyone to make sure you are taking care of your inner world. The Pisces New Moon is spiritual, it is soul connected, it is united with the cosmos, something bigger than ourselves. That connection is ethereal and mysterious and deserves our love and care. Use this New Moon to set the intention to strengthen that connection to the divine, to purpose, to the soul. It matters.
Ok, loves, there is your New Moon in Pisces tarot reading for the collective. I hope you found something in there that resonated with you, that you can carry forward. If not, why not bust out your own tarot deck and try the prompts again for yourself?!
Until next week… stay strong, connect to your soul, and set intentions to reflect on your progress so far.