Discovering Your Blind Spots with the Tarot V Cards

Let’s get into some real talk about a subject that makes everyone a bit uncomfortable- blind spots. A blind spot is just that, a place where you cannot see. You’re unaware of what is outside your awareness. You can’t imagine what is outside your imagination. There is just so much you don’t know and then- you find out!

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Deirdre Doran
The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is card 12 in the major arcana, making this year 2019 one imbued with the energy of The Hanged Man. I find that working in collaboration with the card of the year can be helpful in attuning expectations, actions, and sense of purpose with a universal energy that is affecting us all.

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Becoming an Intention Setting Superstar

If you’ve been wondering what all the hype is about intention setting and intentional living, this blog post is for you. But what actually is an intention? What is all the fuss about? Why should you sent personal intentions? And how do you even do that? Well, that’s what I’m here to answer today.

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Deirdre Doran
Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Cancer

We have a lovely New Moon in Cancer on July 2nd, 2019 as well as a solar eclipse. This Moon is all about nurture and acceptance of the self and all that entails. You are human and you have thoughts, emotions, physical and spiritual needs. That is your essential nature and it is beautiful. It is not time to weigh and judge yourself, deeming some things good and others bad. Rather it is a time to allow for all you are, all the potential you still hold, and to accept yourself.

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Deirdre Doran
Six Tips for Living Your Wildest Dreams

It’s summer time here in the USA and I’ve been on the road, traveling for two weeks now. I love traveling. I might go as far as to say, I live to travel. I’ve been all over the world, on four continents and over 30 countries. The road is where I learn, where I grow, where I confront my fears, and where I live my wildest dreams.

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Deirdre Doran
A Reading for the Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on June 17th,2019. It brings a sweeping fire energy to your life!  In the northern hemisphere this Full Moon in coming right along with the summer Solistice on June 20th so this is a lively time when there is maximum light in our lives, be that sunshine or moonshine.

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Deirdre Doran
Your Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Gemini

Happy New Moon! Today we have an inspired opportunity to create intentions for the moon cycle ahead using the special qualities of Gemini. The greatest strength of the Gemini New Moon is in the area of communication and engagement with the people around you. How and what do you want to share with your family, friends, community, and social network?

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Deirdre Doran
A Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Taurus: May 4th, 2019

Springtime is deepening in the northern hemisphere at the New Moon in Taurus. The earth is awakening, each day blooming and opening just a little bit more. This is a profoundly potent time for personal renewal as the Earth renews its flowers and leaves and the Moon renews it’s waxing journey towards fullness.

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A Compassionate New Moon in Pisces

Pisces energy is fluid, it’s gentle, it’s intuitive, and it’s artistic. Pisces is the dreamer, the poet, and the spiritual seeker. With Mercury retrograde in the sign of Pisces, along with the Sun and Neptune, there is a deep current of emotion running through our lives at this time. There is a need to surrender to what is, to allow, to accept, to be one with the Universe.

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Deirdre Doran
A Responsible New Moon in Capricorn Reading, January 5th, 2019

Welcome to the first New Moon of 2019! As usual, this first New Moon of the year occurs in the sign of Capricorn, lending us responsible energy to create plans and structures for the year ahead. This New Moon is super charged, too, as it also a solar eclipse along the Capricorn-Cancer axis of the sky.

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