Queen of Swords
A tall birch tree in Fort Nelson, Alaska
Experienced, all knowing, badass, competent, no fuss, no drama, emotionally mature, logical, intelligent, honest, street smart
Cold, calculated, lacking feeling, illogical, not thinking clearly, melodramatic, needing to gain experience, unconfident
Associated major: The High Priestess
Astrological association: Air, Venus in Gemini
The Queen of Swords knows what’s what. She is sharp as a tack. Her mind is a finely honed center of information. She is constantly making connections, forming and testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions that are logical and sound.
The Queen of Swords is here to tell you that you are a total badass. Did you already know or is this a revelation?
When the Queen of Swords shows up reversed, you are reciving a message to examine your way of thinking. Do you have all the information that you need? Are you drawing well-thought out conclusions? Are you being logical and concise? The answer to these questions is probably no. Therefore: you need more information, you need fresh perspective or more time to think things through, pair back the details and figure out what actually makes sense.
The nice thing about the Queen of Swords reversed is that she brings that message that there is, indeed, a logical conclusion to be reached here. If things were just a big old mystery and there was no way to figure this shit out (which happens and that is totally fine, but a story for a different card), this Queen wouldn’t show up for your in reverse now. So, yippee, be comforted by the knowledge that there are facts and figures and a logical solution here. You just need to gather more data, process more facts, and look at the big picture in a new way. You are capable of figuring this out, just give yourself the time and space and self belief to organize the details.