The Moon Soul Meditation

The Moon tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck

The Soul Meditation with The Moon began with an entrance into a verdant landscape of grassy hills. The rolling sea of grass I walked through felt soft as silk as I ran my hands through the blades. I walked slowly along until I came upon a narrow river, about 10 feet across. On the opposite riverbank a dog and a wolf sat, howling at a full moon in the bright night sky. The sight and sound of the two animals made me feel soft and happy inside. My spirit dog was not present, but these animals were definitely friends of his. I raised my arms up toward The Moon and felt an electric vibration all down my arms and an excitement in the pit of my stomach. I either had the power to move The Moon or else I stood within time, because as I slowly moved my hands up into the air, The Moon stayed between my hands and rose higher into the sky.  I felt a deep sense of wonder and mystery and The Moon ascended.

I waited to hear a message from The Moon but heard nothing save the twinkly of stars and the wind in the grass. The messages of The Moon card were silent. It was almost as if it was asking me or telling me to get comfortable in the silence, comfortable without answers. I needed to be able to accept an absence of explanation. When I looked back down from the Moon I was on the other side of the river than before. I lay down next to the dog and we snuggled up on the river bank in total contentment. The wolf also lay nearby, eyes and nose watchful of the night, our protector.  The whole scene was tranquil and inviting, from the cool flowing water, to the green vibrant grasses and the warm love and protection of the dog and the wolf. Still, I sensed an undercurrent of mystery in the silence with the knowledge that anything and everything could be hiding in The Moon's shadows.

The Moon tarot card from the Siddhe Tarot deck.

I gazed up at the Moon and then down into the river. My reflection on the water was magnificent. The Moon showed me my beauty shining forth in physical form, much more than I feel it does in reality. This was a metaphor for The Moon herself, who we look up to in awe, but whose greatest beauty, her glow, comes from the Sun. This seemed like a message about light. Even if it can't all come from within, we can gather the light that exists around us to use for the good of ourselves and others. I followed the the moonlight with my eyes to see it illuminate a path leading away from the river. I could see the path stretching on to no end, disappearing into the horizon.  I knew I had a long way to walk down that path still, but wasn't ready to start out. I remained by the river.

I reached my hand down into the water and a claw snapped up at my finger. I found this rather amusing, not frightening, as a lobster head poked out of the water.  The dog and I watched this little creature with fascination and felt peaceful and still. It didn't matter why the lobster was in the river, it just was, and that was good enough. The lobster crawled by a palm-sized crystal which was within easy reach on the path. It was jagged and clear, and I had no idea what type of crystal it was, but it reminded me of The Moon herself.  I knew it would help me connect with the mystery of the Moon and I should keep it with me to guide me. I slipped it into my pocket to examine more carefully later.

I was happy enough to leave the Moon card at the end of the Soul Meditation. Something slightly disturbed me about the silence of the place, which is why I know I need to spend more time there, to grow accustomed and well-acquainted with my shadow self. Perhaps it's a matter of spending more of my time in that calm inner center, getting comfortable with The Moon and mystery and what lies in the shadows. I am not completely at home in my calm inner center, I want to always be thinking and doing. Unfortunately, it felt uncomfortable to be peaceful and accepting. I felt like a thinking girl in a world of intuition, a rational girl caught in a nonlogical realm, and this was a difficult level for me. I continued a futile striving to hear messages in my mind which can only be interpreted by the soul. This Soul Meditation shows me how important it is for me to spend more time with The Moon.