The Star Soul Meditation

The Star tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck

The introduction to this Soul Meditation on The Star brought me into the tarot card of The Star in a beautifully relaxed state.  I had been looking forward to this meditation after the intensity of The Devil and The Tower meditations. The Star promised to be a little blissful respite from the darker soul searching of the past two meditations and the upcoming Moon meditation. When I entered The Star card, the environment was twilight lit, bright as if the moon filled the sky, although only stars shone above. A lake lay before me, reminding me of the same scene from the Temperance meditation, but at night time instead of full sun. I noticed the shining figure of The Star, sensing her abundant joy before I clearly saw her features. I walked toward her, glancing up to see a beautiful ibis in a willow tree on the hill behind her.  The sky was aglow with stars and all felt safe and still but alert.

As I looked at The Star, I noticed her beauty and her nakedness. I looked down at myself to see that I too was also naked and radiant.  Our two bodies looked much the same in the starlight: curvaceous, lush and aglow with a light from within. It felt purposeful and right that The Star was pointing out our sameness, or inner and outer beauty mirror images. This was one of her lessons, I knew.  We all have radiance inside of us that we can bring to the surface and project in our outer appearance. The Star and I both reached out to clasp each other's hand and I felt a sweet emotion that went straight to my heart and rose up to choke me up a little bit in my throat.  It was an overwhelming emotion of happiness, recognition and peacefulness. I belonged here with her and I should stay.

The Star beckoned to the lake and told me that she would teach me how to swim. This sounded like the best offer I had received in a very long time. I yearned for this lesson. I wanted to stay here indefinitely, basking in The Star's radiance and wisdom, paddling around naked in the lake. Unfortunately, I knew my time here was short, so I told The Star that I couldn't stay a swim. She accepted this news calmly and without annoyance. Instead, The Star laughingly poured the jug of water she held over my head. The water felt amazingly cool and refreshing. The Star then offered me the water jug and had me do the same to her and we were both blissfully wet. She told me to pour out my emotions in this way. The jug of water was a metaphor for my emotions which were bottomless and this sharing would help others.  My willingness to share and stay open was necessary, wanted, useful, and appreciated.  I just needed to find the people who were looking for this from me.

The Star tarot card from the Shadowscapes deck

I looked up then and saw a shooting star fall brilliantly from the sky. I lightly picked up the star with my hands and pushed it's glowing energy straight into my heart. I could feel it there, filling al the spaces inside of me with a pure bright and warm light. The Star told me that we are all made out of the same things as stars and that their light is always within our hearts. I can shine out this light and be a light bringer for others. The Star and I pressed our hands together and passed that light between us, showing me how it is done, what it feels like, and why it is the thing that I need to do.  The Star then invited me into her body in order to immerse myself in her knowledge and wisdom.

When I was in the body of The Star I felt at home. Everything was peaceful and still without the turmoil of my personal emotions and day-to-day anxieties. I reveled in the clarity that came from this stillness.  I love to play with water, so I happily emptied the water jugs in my hands, one onto the land and the other back into the lake. When they would empty, I would fill them again from the lake.  I longed to jump into the water and swim on my back looking up at the stars. Looking up at the sky, I could feel the darkness between the stars and all the difficulties and challenges that exist there. The darkness tried to lure me in, away from hope and light, but I followed the gentle voice of the meditation and stepped out of the body of the Star. We looked into each other's eyes and I knew it was time for me to leave.  It's one step at a time with the lessons of these meditations and I had all I could handle for now.

I have so much to learn in the twilight land of The Star, so it was very hard and emotional to leave the meditation. I said goodbye with a longing to return and a heavy heart, but also a lot of hope.  When I opened my eyes at the and of the meditation I could see the twinkly shine of the star energy in all the living things around me.  All was in black and white with this glittery twinkle of starlight, displaying the star energy form of all around me. It was magical! I'm already looking forward to the next Soul Meditation on my journey- The Moon!