Swords and Cookies- Welcome to The Willow Path Tarot Blog!

aceofswordsWelcome to the first post on the Willow Path Tarot blog!  Today I drew the Ace of Swords as my card of the day.  I like to draw a tarot card each morning so I'm learning and practicing the card meanings each day.  The daily draw also acts as a tool to help direct my search for synchronicity during the day.  I'm always looking for little ways (and big ways!) that the card shows up during the day.  For example, today while decorating Christmas cookies with my family, my brother-in-law developed a new-to-us technique of decorating using a knife to swirl the frosting in a way we had never done.  The Ace of Swords is all about new insights and ideas, and is also a big knife!  So today the brilliant insight of the Ace of Swords showed up in my life as a new cookie decorating idea using a knife.  Each day and each card do not always bring about these kinds of occurrences, but just looking for them sparks my creativity and keeps me constantly interested in the tarot.

In a more traditional reading of the Ace of Swords, the card presents mental clarity, powerful new insights, clear communication, and creative thinking.  What a great energy to bring into my life on the first day of my blog.  I want this blog to be a place where I can clearly and creatively write about my tarot learning journey, as a part of my overall life journey.  I hope you decide to follow this blog, so you can learn about tarot, connect with your creativity, and get to know me and my tarot style.  Feel free to leave me comments- I'd love to connect with you!