Welcome to The Willow Path Tarot!
Hello! Welcome to The Willow Path Tarot! I'm Deirdre, a professional tarot reader who proudly started this business in 2014. My calling in life is tarot and I would love to share this with you. The 'Tarot Readings' tab above will fill you in on the insightful and intuitive tarot readings I offer. I focus on self-awareness and self-empowerment through the tarot. Let's help you gain clarity and confidence!
Beyond my tarot reading offerings, you will find lots of interesting info about the tarot on this site. Scroll on down to read my recent blog posts and be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you never miss a post. I send this out monthly with a special New Moon Tarot Reading to help us set powerful intentions with the moon cycles. The 'Card Meanings' tab will lead you to my progress on developing my very own tarot deck. For all those interested in my special combination of travel, photographs and love of tarot, I have a series on Travel Tarot as well. Stay a while and enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to leave comments- I'd love to connect with you! My email is thewillowpathtarot@gmail.com!