Mabon 2014 Tarot Blog Hop
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Mabon 2014 Tarot Blog Hop post on the blog of The Willow Path Tarot! The theme for this blog hop is more or less: "things that I wished I knew about Tarot sooner than I learned them."
So, each post on this blog hop is going to explore a time when that reader's knowledge, awareness, or understanding of tarot took a major leap, deepened, or changed for the better. As the season changes from summer to fall in the Northern Hemisphere where I'm located, it's an easy time to think about change. When and how has my perspective on tarot and on my tarot business changed? What caused that change? Where do I feel like I am going next? Is that the direction I want to be heading? What's my ideal picture of how tarot fits into my future given where I am at presently?
I've already written about what prompted my leap from casual tarot hobbyist to professional tarot business owner in a previous post, so I won't go into that in too much detail here. Suffice it to say, I decided to live a life on the road, traveling around in a van. When looking for a way to make money with this lifestyle, I realized I could start a tarot business.
I've been on the road now for about three months, driving Lady Van around from gig to gig with my girlfriend, a musician. Our travel itinerary mostly revolve around her tour dates. which leads us all over the USA. I'm also working as her tour manager, while I build up my client base and get my tarot business established.
I LOVE this lifestyle. I have always loved to travel and feel like this is a dream come true for me. I'm so happy I found someone who also longs to travel constantly and that we have figured out a way to do this together.
Life on the road is a learning process though, and during the month of September we decided to work at a dude ranch in Wyoming. When we were planning the tour route, back before we left Boston, we thought it would be good to have a safety net in place in case we were broke by the end of the summer travels. My girlfriend worked at this ranch last year and really enjoyed it, so it seemed like a safe bet to make some money here, stay put for a month, and enjoy the great outdoors.
So how does this involve the blog topic? Well- it turns out that this whole experience working on the ranch has really disagreed with me. We were doing quite well money-wise on the road, I didn't feel bored or stagnant with my business or the tour, and I was learning and growing every day.
Since we arrived to the ranch I've felt that I took my life back to a lower level. The work is mundane, the general attitude amongst the employees is negative, and I don't have nearly enough time for my tarot business or the tour managing. This experience has really opened my eyes to how far I have come! I didn't realize just how much I LOVE tarot and my tarot business. Tarot integrates with and adds to my traveling lifestyle. Working at a resort makes me notice the higher awareness and consciousness that I'm used to, since it is so obviously lacking here.
The positive spin I'm putting on this whole depressing experience at the ranch, is that it has opened my eyes to how important, meaningful, and elevating tarot is in my life. I feel an increased dedication to creating the life and business that I want, deserve, and can create for myself. I feel many more great things to come at The Willow Path Tarot!
I can't wait to be out on the road again starting next Sunday. Weare taking a week off from work and planning our own separate artist retreats! I am excited to give myself the time and space to reflect on what I've done so far with my tarot business, see where I am at, and plan big things for the future!