New Year Tarot Spread 2015
It's almost 2015! Whoot! Now is that special time of year when we sit back to reflect on all that we accomplished in 2014 and all the big goals and dreams we have for the coming year. Writing these goals and intentions down can be a powerful way to structure and plan out your next steps, as well as something to look back on and see how far you have come. A tarot reading can work much the same way! I've created a special tarot spread to address multiple aspects of your life, helping you to uncover blocks and empower yourself to make 2015 a magnificent year. Here are the different positions of the spread:
Biggest lesson/advice/importance from 2014
- Love advice this coming year
- Career advice this coming year
- Health advice this coming year
- Biggest obstacle for 2015
- What will empower you moving forward
- Overall theme, advice, direction for 2015
You can also click over to the readings page to order any of my offered readings today, and why not order one for a friend as well :) This New Year's Reading was only available during January of 2015, but my Holistic Spread is much of the same character! If you would like to see the cards in action, find below an example reading that I did for myself using this spread. Powerful stuff I will be contemplating and acting on all year!
Lesson of 2014: King of Swords reversed The King of Swords is an authority on truth and rationality, things that can be lacking from one's life when in the reversed position. In 2014 I lacked decisiveness about the opportunities before me and what direction I should take. It was a year of growth when I was still making up my mind about what exactly I wanted to do and what it is that inspires me. I struggled with mental clarity and using my intelligence to make critical decisions. Quitting my librarian job, moving into a van, and traveling full time were big moves. I leaned more towards using my intuition and listening to my inner voice to decide which direction to follow, especially using the tarot and starting this business. The struggle between the rational and the intuitive, and creating harmony between the two, were big lessons for me in 2014.I didn’t have a clear idea of what I was doing during much of 2014, or what I hoped to achieve and why. I wasn’t able to make clear, long term decisions because I wasn’t sure how the plan to be on the road was going to pan out. I spent a lot of time last year not being the King of Swords, which allowed me to be in sometimes murky and confusing situations but able to adapt and keep going. Sometimes in life we take on new challenges that don't allow us to be authority figures, intelligent leaders, or quickly decisive. Last year I learned how to be in that kind of situation and accept my capabilities.
Love advice for 2015: The Emperor The Emperor represents a stable love life for the coming year. This is warm and welcome news! I am already in a well established relationship as my girlfriend, Kristen, and I have been dating for three years. We have created a secure relationship structure and a firm foundation for our love. This coming year I should focus on appreciating the fact that the relationship is stable, practical, and committed. Sometimes things are steady and strong between two people and relationship growth isn't necessary or needed. We can just be as we are and feel good about it. The Emperor points out that there is a lot of power in this relationship as well. If we work together we can be an authoritative couple, we rule over our little empire with a responsible eye and accountable hearts. The Emperor also represents success, so I would interpret this to mean that the structure and rules of our relationship will lead us to be happy and healthy together, to succeed in making each other happy and creating a life together. My relationship advice is to be committed and secure.
Work advice: The High Priestess reversed As a tarot reader, I identify strongly with the archetype of The High Priestess. She represents the portal between the conscious and the mysterious unknown. She is awareness and connection to the mysteries of the universe. Since this card is reversed, I interpret that as a need to focus on developing my inner High Priestess. Things I can do to access her knowledge include: meditate, listening to my inner voice, and studying spirituality. I am still a developing tarot reader, although the essence and drive is there, I do need to be devoted to growth in my knowledge and business. I need to find my calm centre and learn how to live there. This is important work. I must take time for ME, away from distraction, to reflect, study, listen and grow. Inner knowing is the goal. I must dedicate myself to the task of studying tarot and growing my business is the advice from The High Priestess reversed. Her's are the lessons of a lifetime, and cannot be rushed or immediately understood. I'm looking forward to continuing my spiritual development which will help me grow my business.
Health advice for 2015: Page of Wands reversed I'm always struggling with making healthy choices in my life. I like to eat too much, sit around on my ass, and drink a lot of IPAs. This lack of energy and direction toward my heath and well-being, creates a lack of enthusiasm or optimism for starting a new regime or improving my health. Basically, I need new direction, and the Page of Wands reversed here is saying that it's not going to be easy to find. I'm actually not even sure what I want to achieve with my health: get strong? lose weight? drink less? get over societal norms of healthy body image? I feel like there are too many obstacles, too many balls in the air, too much going on in other areas of my life to give this the time and energy it deserves. Basically, I'm feeling pessimistic. So, I see this card as a warning that I need to decide what healthy means to me and try a new approach to getting there. I'm lacking fire and drive regarding my health, and aren't quite ready for a new start. I need to look for something that inspires me, something that I'm passionate about, something creative and new to drive my health goals in 2015.
Biggest obstacle for 2015: The Sun reversed My biggest obstacle will be finding happiness and joy in something other than what I expected. I’m setting goals for myself this year and I need to be open to the fact that I will probably achieve something quite different than what I’m setting out to achieve. The Sun reversed reminds me that no matter what I end up achieving, I will be doing exactly what it is I’m meant to do. That can be hard to face, because I want to accomplish my goals and I’m looking forward to success. Setbacks are going to make me feel sad, staying positive may take more effort than usual, the road will not be easy, and making progress will be tough. I may struggle with losing motivation and enthusiasm. This collaborates with the Page of Wands reversed, in that I'm lack a healthy dose of fire energy that drives inspiration and new creativity. I must remind myself that as long as the journey is made with love, no matter the outcome, I shall be happy. The Sun will illuminate and enlighten, but not if I met with resistance.
What will empower me in 2015: Page of Swords What will empower me in 2015 is the general Page energy of passion and enthusiasm for new things, in the case of the Swords this enthusiasm comes from the realm of the mind. If last year I learned that I am not the King of Swords, this year I can be empowered by being the Page of Swords: starting out, being fresh, finding wisdom from my elders, being bold, enthusiastic, and focused. I must remember that I am young, idealistic, strong, powerful and new. I can go after my dreams and keep going. Kristen also has this energy and I can take encouragement from her. As she too is a on a difficult journey, we can support each other. I need to ask questions, be a student, be at my current level, and be ready to learn. I am an excellent communicator and should write and speak more with the new people I meet, meaning I need to NETWORK. The air energy of making plans, using my mind, being intelligent and rational will get my farther than relying on my small supply of fire energy that is lacking with The Sun reversed and The Page of Wands reversed. Basically, I need to tell myself what to do instead of waiting for a divine spark of inspiration. I already have great ideas, I need good plans to get those ideas into motion and a rational mind to stick with them.
Theme for 2015: Four of Pentacles reversed My theme of 2015 is letting go of material possessions, stepping outside of social norms of security, and rejecting materialism. This is very apt, as I continue to live in a van, with my girlfriend, and make my living doing tarot card readings- three major aspects of my life that are outside of the social norm. Yet I still feel secure and stable, without clinging to meaningless aspects of the physical world like money and a home. The point of life is not to obtain material possessions but rather to connect with the immaterial, the magic of the world that allows all of creation to exist and be accessible to us. I can set my own rules, define home for myself and financial security my own way. This card can also indicate generosity, and a freedom from greed or materialism. I want to be in the mindset that I will get everything I need, and therefore do not have to cling tightly to every penny and be miserably in a lack mentality. Sure, I will not be able to afford hotel rooms or fancy meals, but if I really need those things, I will find a way to afford them easily. This isn't easy advice for me for 2015 and I will need to work hard to step outside of my comfort zone, especially financially. This card offers me the advice to get outside of the physical world, as the High Priestess also recommended, through meditation, study of spirituality, and personal growth.
In summary: Whoa, there is a lot of powerful energy here, and a lot of it crops up around the theme of resistance and setbacks. The reversed High Priestess, reversed Page of Wands, and The Sun reversed cards all speak to challenges, and difficult lessons to learn in the coming year. I may be lacking in that fire energy that animates and inspires me, so will need to learn to function well without enough of that element. I need to think about how I can let go, what will help me accept and go with the flow. I have so many plans and creatives projects stored away in my brain from this last year, that hopefully fanning those sparks with a healthy dose of Air using the Page of Swords will set me on the right path.
The big lesson of 2014 in the King of Swords should help me with going with the flow, as I've already given up a position of authority and expertise when I quit my job and became a full time tarot reader. That experience that has taught me how to be out of my zone of expertise and off in turbulent waters. The High Priestess is adept at living in the murky places and figuring out what her inner voice and intuition can lend to the matter. Meditation and further tarot study should help me learn how to navigate those difficult waters.
Speaking of water, there are no Cups in this reading. This may indicate that I'm feeling secure in my heart and love life, as indicated by the Emperor in this reading. It may also mean that strong emotions and approaching life from my heart space will not be of much assistance to me this year. The Page of Swords is saying that what will really help me out is to use my mind, be logical and rational, and think things through. The inner developments I want to go about in my tarot learning and business journey should not be over emotional, but rather well thought out and planned with the sense of new beginning and exploration. It is always important to remember that all elements are necessary to create and sustain a healthy life, so I must not shy away from my heart space and look for the love in my life every day!
Overall, I can't expect to gain financial security, or be overly attached to material possessions as the IV of Pentacles reversed shows that 2015 will be another year of living outside of social norms and finding the beautiful lessons that come from thinking outside of the narrow box of what is normal. Outside of normal is actually where I'm most comfortable, so at least I know I will continue to resist expectations from the outside world. I'm really looking forward to the coming year and all of the challenges and gifts that 2015 will bring with it. I hope you enjoyed this reading and please get in touch if you would like a New Years reading of your very own!! Email me at: