Kick off 2015 with the Page of Wands!

Page of Wands Rider Waite Smith tarot Here is my first post of the New Year!  Happy 2015! The energy that immediately comes to mind when I think of this time of year is that characterized by the Page of Wands.  The Pages in the tarot represent new beginnings, emerging energy, and a youthful outlook. The Wands are the suit of fire, that spark that ignites a creative project or inspires a discovery or exploration. The beginning of the year is a very creative and inspired time for me, when I'm super enthusiastic about articulating my vision for the year. It's a new beginning when I can gaze with wonder, much like the Page in this card, upon all that I want to have grow and flourish this year. I'm ready to grown my business, create new products and services for you, and learn even more about the tarot.  I'm just bursting with new ideas and a deep source of passionate energy for these projects and much more during this year.

A couple of things to keep in mind when planning out your year with the inspiration of the Page of Wands, is that a spark of creative energy needs to fanned, nurtured, and deepened.  Bring a bit of Air (Swords) to your Fire, by making plans that solidly chart out your creative vision. You also need to nurture and support your goals with some practical Earth (Pentacles) energy, and also add as much emotional depth of Water (Cups) as you can manage.  Bring the four elements together because we are each made up of all four! Being a well-rounded and balanced person will help out with that Page of Wands fire when it emerges.  We each need to work carefully to flourish and grow the way we best imagine.

So far I've done two things to help me work with my Page of Wands energy. First off, I've starting filling out my Leonie Dawson workbook to help create an amazing year. This workbook helps me reflect on what worked and what didn't in my life last year and asks some powerful questions about what I want to create in the coming year.  I also did a tarot reading for myself!  You can check out the special tarot spread I made to help gain insight and empowerment for yourself in the coming year, and do one for yourself!  If you would like a personal reading from The Willow Path Tarot, just order one up here!

the willow path blogger headerBest of luck in 2015!  Each year is a blessing, so try to find what you are grateful for and bless your own year. Remember your strength, envision your future, live in your present!