An Abundant New Moon in Taurus Tarot Reading, May 6, 2016

There is a beautiful New Moon in the sign of Taurus today.  Yippee!  Taurus is an Earth sign so this is a great time to put your plans into physical form, perhaps by writing them down. What are you looking to create?  Where are you seeking abundance?  What fertile soil do you contain now that can optimize growth in your life?  Take some time for yourself to really relax and explore these questions. Treat yourself not only to time off for meditation and journaling but also to luxurious treats at the Taurus New Moon. Think about scheduling a massage, buying a new outfit, eating a fancy meal, or beautifying your home with flowers or new colors. Focusing on the beautiful, lovely, abundant aspects of your life will help you attract more of these Taurus characteristics into your life with this New Moon. Venus is also in her natural sign of Taurus right now, so there is double potential for experiencing pleasure, intimacy and love at this time.  How lovely for us all!

The tarot has some great advice for us right now at the New Moon in Taurus for working towards financial security, loving relationships, and physical relaxation. If you would like a personalized reading, please get in touch at or check out my email readings page!

Page of Cups Shadowscapes tarot

What will help me move confidently toward my goals for financial security and abundance?Page of Cups

The Page of Cups brings messages of love, abundance, and fresh emotional starts.  This card is Venus telling you that you already have everything you need in order to be financially secure and abundant. What you really need is more joy, sunshine, and love in your life, not more money.  When you focus on what brings you happiness, on enjoying your youth or your fresh starts, and stop worrying about money, you will find that you actually are secure.  Does money buy love?  It seems to be common knowledge in all cultures that money does not equal happiness.  What is the point of your life then- to be happy or to be rich?  If you can't have both, wouldn't you pick happiness?  What would be the point of financially abundant life if all that money did not bring an abundance of love and joy? The Page of Cups is here to tell you that the more confidently you reach for happiness, the closer you will come to financial abundance. A life in which you focus on what you love instead of what you lack relieves anxiety, improves quality of life, and enhances your relationships by being a person that others enjoy

The Hanged Man Shadowscapes Tarot

How can I create more love, acceptance, and intimacy in my relationships?- The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man asks you to be patient, to be still, to listen and observe.  Are you allowing your loved ones to be themselves?  Are you acknowledging the unique traits of the people in your life and allowing them to shine forth in their best capacity? Oftentimes, when we try to change people, when we try to put them in a box, or make them conform, we limit and suppress our ability to love.  People can change.  We all change every day.  Humans are not static, but that change works best when it comes from within. When we force others to change, it usually leads to unhappiness and doesn't stick anyway.  The Hanged Man suffers a bit from not being able to influence the world as she waits for a shift in perspective, a change in the wind, the right moment to act.  There is much suffering in life, though, it's a given.  The willingness to wait for a phase to be completed usually deepens our most intimate relationships.  We allow our children to be teenagers for years, knowing we will love the adults they become even if they are little nightmares in the meantime.  We accept that our partners will go through career uncertainty, Saturn returns, midlife crises, etc, but who they essentially are doesn't change. Our souls are eternal and lovable. The Hanged Man goes with that flow, trying to see from new angles, and waiting to understand instead of reacting tactlessly.

IX of Swords Shadowscapes tarot

How can I invite more relaxation, patience, and luxury into my life?- IX of Swords

The biggest hurdle to finding relaxation is anxiety. Relaxation and anxiety are opposites.  They are mortal enemies.  If we put our anxieties aside relaxation enters to soothe, fortify, and rejuvenate us. When anxieties win out we exhaust, deplete, and confuse ourselves with striving and worrying.  The Taurus New Moon wants you to stay, "NO!" to anxieties for a little bit.  Will a facial solve your issues at work?  Will a gourmet meal solve your weightloss concerns? Will a bouquet of flowers help pay the rent at that apartment?  Probably not, but a little self care might just give you the strength to confront your challenges with renewed determination and clarity of vision.  You weren't going to solve all of your problems tonight regardless, so why not take the night off, heat up some water, steam your pores open and then give them a scrub with some honey and sea salt.  It's just an hour of your night, you already have all those things in your kitchen, and you'll feel so lovely afterwards you won't be so anxious about your work, weight, love life, kids, problems, etc. This goes along with the Page of Cups urging you to focus on love and positivity.  Take a break from anxiety and the negative, it doesn't help anyone for you to be a dark storm cloud, least of all yourself!