Gemini New Moon Messages Tarot Reading, June 4th, 2016

What's new, everybody!? Well, the moon is new in the sign of Gemini today, which may give you a deeper desire to communicate and engage with those around you. The Gemini New Moon is communicative, so this is a great time to get your message out there. What do you want to tell your lover, your friends, your coworkers, or the whole wide world? You have the ability and gumption to spread the word with this New Moon, whether it be in writing, a conversation, or a work of art, etc. As usual, I've done a special tarot reading to help us get in alignment with the fresh, inspired energy of the New Moon. This month's reading gives us each advice from the tarot: The Hierophant Shadowscapes tarot

What message do you need to share at this New Moon?- The Hierophant The Hierophant wants you to share your wisdom, your knowledge, and your expertise. We each have things that we just know how to do better than others. Perhaps you have extensive experience in a matter which you see a friend or loved one struggling with now. Why not offer them your insight into the situation, share your story? You don't have to force your perspective or advice down their throat, but you can gently let them know that they are not alone and they will get through it. The Hierophant is a reminder that you don't have to reinvent the wheel since most of the time you are not the first human to ever go through something. If you are struggling, look to a wise counsellor for help, someone who you can trust and open up to. Often getting a feeling into words and off your chest is the first step towards healing.


What advice will help you most effectively communicate this message?- Emperor rx Like I mentioned above, the best way to communicate with others is avoid condescending or lording your experience over them. Just because you have done it and can see the solution or feel like it is so easy to get over whatever is bugging your friend, just means you are forgetting how hard it was before. You need to tune into your empathy instead of Mr. Fix-It behavior. Instead of saying, "You know what you need to do, xyz, etc.?," try saying, "Ugh, that is tough but I'm sure you can get through it and I support you."  Do you see the difference? In that same vein, if you are the one doing the sharing, ask yourself if you are looking for advice or support? Find a friend or counsellor who will meet that need. There is a big need for love, generosity, and acceptance now so open up your heart to the warmth of others.

VI of Swords rx Shadowscapes tarot

How can you channel your creativity and inspiration to learn to communicate?- VI of Swords rx It is time to learn how to let go. Well, it is always time to learn how to let go since this is a constant process for us baggage holder humans. Our minds want to cling to past hurts, slights, and regrets, but honestly those rarely serve us in any helpful capacity. It's time to find some techniques for moving into the present and out of the past. Your Hierophant advisor may have some thoughtful ideas on how to go about doing this so look for mentors or guides to lead you to the next level of letting go. You need to learn to recognize your resistance, your blocks, and your triggers. These are constants that you will find popping up over and over again in a similar pattern. Getting a firm grasp of where your resistance crops up is a great step towards working to overcome it.

Gemini energy is fresh and playful so make an effort to get out there and have some fun while the New Moon is energizing this sign. Air signs love to be outside breathing in refreshing oxygen, so take some time for outdoor play.  Gemini also has a great sense of humor so enjoy a good laugh at a funny movie or playing games with friends. When was the last time you played charades? This is the perfect opportunity to communicate through play!

As usual, I invite you to get in touch if you would like a personal New Moon reading! I am available for email readings that we can customize to whatever question you have for the cards.  I look forward to hearing from you!