A Nurturing New Moon in Cancer, July 4, 2016

Happy New Moon in Cancer! Yes, I know I'm a tab bit late, but honestly, I feel like the fresh energy of renewal lasts for a couple of days around the New Moon, so here we go catching the tide as it rises! The New Moon in Cancer is all about nurturing, and the best thing I could do to nurture myself yesterday was not stress out about doing a blog post. We are all trying our best, people, we are all just doing the best we can (Insert crazy giggle and arm waving)! If we truly believe that, though if we do our best to love and nurture ourselves and our efforts, this creates more love and less negativity in our lives. That's the goal: less thinking about the flaws and more marveling at the ability to manifest anything at all. What an accomplishment! Let's ask the tarot for some advice at this New Moon in Cancer about nurturing ourselves and this great world we live in: Ace of Wands Wild Unknown tarot

What area of my personal life needs more nurturing?: Ace of Wands Your creative drive could use a bit of love and care. Ask yourself if you have been neglecting your Inner Artist of late. When was the last time you created something just for fun, perhaps something silly or "impractical"? When was the last time you burst into song, leapt into a dance, grabbed a paintbrush, or did a cartwheel? When was the last time you laughed until you worried a little bit that you might pee your pants? The Ace of Wands is the root of inspiration, the spark of an idea, the first shoot of creativity. It must have fertile soil from which to grow, though. If you don't let yourself have any fun and games, don't let your inner child run amok, or just get out of that routine, routine, routine, produce, produce, produce mentality, you run out of steam to continue. The best thing you can do to nurture your creativity is to get back to the source. Dip into your inner world of joy and inspiration. What would you create if you could make or do anything, even if it seemed pointless and useless? Is something truly useless if it brings happiness and light into this world? Who cares if no one sees or appreciates your masterpiece, or if it turns out not to be a masterpiece at all but an elbow macaroni necklace. Nurture the spark of your inner passion, allow it to be weird or different or frivolous. Just make sure you love yourself. Tell yourself that your efforts are worthwhile and meaningful because they are necessary to who you essentially are as a human being.

X of Swords Wild Unknown Tarot

How can I be more nurturing and supportive of my creations?: X of Swords Get out of your head! Stop your negative self talk! Okay, admittedly easier said than done. Where are you supposed to go if you have to leave your head?  What if your inner criticism monster will simply not leave you alone? Start with the small step of self awareness. Every time you slip into anxiety mode where every worst case scenario is absolutely going to destroy you, make a conscious effort to simply say, "There it is. There's my negative self talk. This is me making up a future that doesn't exist in which everything is bad." Sure, it might not stop the monster inside your head, but it does separate you and all your potential from that thing that only sees failure and doom. You are inherently not a doom monster, you just have one lurking inside of you telling you that you don't deserve nurturing or support or anything good at all in your life. And then even if you do deserve it sometimes, the world will conspire against you so that it never comes. Take a tiny 5 minutes from your day and imagine the best case scenario. If you can take the time to write down you happiest outcome, do that as well. Now refer back to that positive outcome once a day. Is it so unobtainable? Is it so crazy to think that you are a good, deserving, amazing person? Nurture that positivity, let it grow and expand. You are ultimately the only person necessary when it comes to nurturing yourself.

The Sun rx Wild Unknown tarot

How can I contribute to creating a more nurturing and caring world around me?: The Sun reversed The world around us is a living, vibrant, constantly changing and evolving place. We all want to save the Earth as a planet and unite in love and peace as humans and living things on its surface. None of us know how to do that, though. There are lots of ideas about how we could protect the planet and how we could all get along. The thing is, nothing is guaranteed or even particularly effective at this point. So how do we live with that uncertainty? How do we trust in the joy and radiance of The Sun? How can we have faith and belief in a happy ending? Well, we just do. I think it's simply the human condition. We are limited in our senses and in our knowledge. We don't know what the meaning of life is and we don't know what happens after we die. All we can do is try to be happy, try to be loving and kind to each other, try to respect the environment in which we live, and hope that that is good enough. There is so much light and positivity available to us, The Sun reminds us, but the reversal speaks of surprises and hidden joys. We never know what is going to happen in the future. We can only hope for the best, for deep meaning, or a purpose, for it all to be revealed to us someday.

Best of love and nurture at this New Moon in Cancer. As always, if you need a more in depth personalized reading, please get in touch. I am available for email readings any time!