Learn Tarot with the Guardian Gateway Tarot Telesummits
Hey there, if you're interested in learning more about tarot (like me!), I wanted to let you know about a cool FREE event that is coming up July 25th-August 5th over at Kim Wilborn's Guardian Gateway. At the Guardian Gateway Kim hosts telesummits about fascinating topics, including tarot. If you have never heard of a telesummit, basically this consists of two calls each day that you can listen to and interact with about special topics in tarot. You call in, use Skype, or connect online for free, in real time, and can type in or ask questions about the topics that 20 different tarot professionals will be exploring over the next two weeks on all things tarot.
This is the third telesummit that Kim has put on about the tarot and the first two were so amazing, I am confident this one will be chuck full of wonderful info and food for thought as well. Some of the topics I'm really excited about hearing are: tarot birth cards, timing and tarot, dreamwork and tarot, tarot and healing, and pretty much all of them. Can't wait to listen to this! You can register for free at The Guardian Gateway and you will receive an email with all the details about logging in and when and how to listen live. It's basically a mini-workshop each day about fun tarot stuff that you can't get enough of.
Now, if you're like me and don't have free time during the day to listen to 20 live calls, they are all available to purchase in MP3 format so you can take it with you to go. I treat these telesummits like a podcast, more or less. I download them onto my iPod or phone and then listen when I'm walking around or driving or any good time for listening. I've listened to the first telesummit about the Major Arcana quite a few times this way :). If you click through and purchase any of the telesummits using the links below, I will receive an affiliate commission, so thank you in advance if you decide to purchase one (or all!) of these awesome series. Of course, the older ones will not be live, so you can check out the format and style to see if you're interested all for free by registering and logging in when the telesummit is live starting July 25th, 2016.
Check them all out!
Tarot Telesummit 3- Special Topics in Tarot Wisdom
Tarot Telesummit 2- This one had a recording for of each of the suits, pips, and court cards. There is a guided meditation during each call as well, which is so fun!
Tarot Telesummit 1- This one went into each of the Major Arcana cards and also included a guided meditation. You can even get just the MP3s of the meditations set to music!
Astrology Telesummit- Not tarot related but an amazing overview and deep exploration of astrology if you are also interested in learning about the signs and planets in the sky.