New Moon in Capricorn, December 29th, 2016
It is the last New Moon reading of the year! Goodbye 2016! I hope you all had the best of years! 2016 was ruled by the soul-searching energy of The Hermit, which heralds the end of a 9 year tarot cycle. Many things came to an end during 2016 and you may have recently felt a sense of release and completion in certain aspects of your life. And even if you didn't, now is the perfect time of year to let go of pain, sadness, angry, and resentment, leaving it behind you with 2016. At the very least we can recommit to the idea that our past does not control our present. Capricorn New Moon energy is wonderful for taking back control of the practicalities of your life. It's time to create plans and structures that will work to make your life comfortable and secure. Now is the time to sit down and write out all you are thankful for about 2016 and set down your goals for 2017. Special focus on the areas of home, finances, physical body, and owning your responsibilities are emphasized by this New Moon. What healthy and happy lifestyle do you want to create in 2017? Lay out those plans now in order to take advantage of the practical, Capricorn earth energy.
If you would like guidance and insight from the tarot at this time consider ordering an email reading. You could choose a personalized Capricorn New Moon reading to help with your goal setting strategy now. It's also that special time of year when we all like to reflect on the past year and envision the new year. I'm offering an Empowering 2017 Tarot Reading until the end of the Capricorn Sun cycle on January 18th, 2017. Order yours up today to help you create the best year ahead with the help of the tarot :) Here's what the tarot has to say for all of us in this coming moon cycle:
What will help close out 2016, leaving behind that which you don't want to bring along into 2017? What to leave behind now?- King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles asks you to pay appreciative attention to all that you have been working on for the past nine years (or just the last year if 9 is bit too ambitious for you!). This King represents abundance, achievement, wealth, and fulfillment. He points to all that you have accomplished, all your successes, all that you have built. It's the perfect time to take note of the instances when you have been responsible, detail-oriented, and focused in order to reach your goal. I'm sure you can think of quite a few things you are proud of doing in the past nine years. Why not let that really sink in at this New Moon? Take time to reflect, make a list of some of your favorite accomplishments, or create a photo collage or slideshow of your greatest hits from this time period. Try to do some kind of ritual, ceremony, activity, or whatever! that brings you into reflection mode. Remember, when you focus on what you want to bring into your life, you attract more of that energy. When you tell the Universe that you feel good for having achieved X, Y, and Z, you become super-infused with that energy which can help you in the next 9 year cycle to achieve even more!
How can you stay positive and focus on optimism and success in 2017? What kind of year is ahead?- Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is a fresh start, a new beginning, a spontaneous spark of inspiration or passion in the coming year. This goes along beautifully with the 1 (one) energy of The Magician who will rule over 2017. It is time to manifest something all together different and new to you. When you want to focus on the positive, one of the best things you can do for yourself is refrain from going over and over past failures and regrets in your head. Snap out of the negativity pattern by having something bright and fiery fresh to distract you and get you back into the present. Even if you want to be doing the same old routines that you really enjoy, it really couldn't hurt to spice things up a little bit with the new year. Say you have a workout routine that has yielded great results, super! Now it can't hurt to add a few new moves, try out a different run route, get some fresh workout music, or some other little change to keep you fired up about your fitness. If you have completely failed repeatedly to find a physical fitness routine that works for you, the Ace of Wands suggests that you do something totally different, maybe even something you have been avoiding or think wouldn't be fun. Give it a shot anyway! The Ace of Wands is full of surprises and keeping your life full of new experiences and ideas will help keep you focused on positivity and inspired in 2017.
What will help create structure and set achievable goals for 2017? Let's set you up for success and happiness in 2017!- Two of Pentacles
It's all about balance with the II of Pentacles when you're working on setting goals for 2017. There is as much need to make the decision to get things done as there is a need to plan out down time for rest and recuperation. You want to look at all the different areas of your life that need tending and bring into harmony how much you are doing you with how much you are just being you. Think, for example, about your home. You probably have some projects you want to do around the house, some ways you can improve your living situation, making your home into your very own. This is a lot of action and doing, so you also need to make sure you are just being in your home. Plan out time to rest, relax, and appreciate your home environment. The II of Pentacles points out this need to bring both activity and stillness into every area of your life, with a special emphasis on the home, finances, the physical body, and the environment which are all ruled by Pentacles and Capricorn as Earth element cards. The II of Pentacles stresses the need for time management, creating priorities, and adapting to the ways you will change and grow during the year. You don't have to have it all figured out now, I mean you're never going to have it all figured out! So set yourself manageable and fun goals that you can focus on accomplishing with grace and ease.
There it is! Your last New Moon Reading for the year. I'm wishing you all a wonderful New Year 2017 and I'll be back with lots more content in the new year. Don't forget to get in touch if you would like a tarot reading of your own, jammed packed with direction and advice for your new year, sent direct to your inbox. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!! Happy New Year!