Deep Dives into the Scorpio New Moon, November 18, 2017

The New Moon is the best time of the month to get in touch with the astrological energy supporting intention setting for your next four weeks. This New Moon in Scorpio encourages you to dive deep into your subconscious, your watery emotional realm, your most heartfelt desires and focus on self development and personal mastery. This is a wonderful time to confront your addictions or other bad habits and make positive changes towards the life you want. Scorpio asks you to question and examine what is motivating your excesses and bad behaviors. What is missing from your life? What do you need to let go of? How can you facilitate this transformation? This is the process of death and rebirth that is so strongly connected with the energy of Scorpio. Do not be afraid to really get to the bottom of things and do some soul searching. It's worth diving into your shadow in order to move forward into the light as a fuller version of yourself. Below are three questions for you to ask the tarot at this Scorpio New Moon. I used the Mary-el Tarot to do an example reading for myself, and perhaps it will help you access your subconscious at this time as well. The Mary-el Tarot is beautiful and strange, and doesn't read for me like other decks. I rely heavily upon the book of interpretations that Marie White includes with her deck in my reading here:

What is unseen that needs to come to the surface?- IX of Wands Creative Fire energy and the Free Will to create whatever my destiny prescribes are represented here by the lion and the woman in the card image, respectively. The lion is wild, untamed, passionate, creative, transformative, and intense. It is me without the armor of my personality and societal influences which keep me humble and in check. This fire lies beneath the surface of my conscious self that I present to the world. I can use my free will to access this fire and use it to create my future, though. I am limitless and unrestrained as long as I acknowledge that I am not a victim of circumstance. I can be whatever I want to be. Just because I don't have something, doesn't mean I can't get it. Just because I have never done something, doesn't mean I can't do it now. I learn through my trials and errors and can continuously reinvent and reimagine who and what I am. Now, with the help of the Scorpio New Moon, I can dig deep to get in touch with my creative side, my inner fire, and bring my wild side into the light. There is no reason to be restrained and under control when we can each burn as bright as the sun, brilliant and genius in our life creations.

What emotional burdens, old habits or beliefs do I need to let die, let go of, clear away?- Page of Wands It is time for me to accept that I have faith and strong beliefs and move onto using those strengths. I have a tendency towards nihilism, a willingness to feel that life has no meaning. This is reactionary behavior though, as it isn't that I truly believe that life has no purpose, but rather that that purpose in unknowable. Faced with the idea that I may never consciously understand the purpose of my life, I reject meaning all together. Deep down I do believe and have a strong faith that my life, and life in general, has meaning. There is a reason that this all happening. It just makes me so tired to go over and over in my mind that I don't know what that meaning is. This Page of Wands asks me to get out of my head, to move away from my thoughts, and just listen to my soul's calling. My soul does call me to me, I can simply listen and accept, instead of going back into my mind to analyze and despair over mental failings of understanding. This life is not to be understood in words and numbers, it is to be known in the depth of my soul. Now is the time to set aside the old habits of thinking and the burden of needing logical explanations.

How can I prepare for rebirth and set the stage for growth?- X of Swords "The ego is the eternal limited by words." Here I set the stage for growth by living the message from the Page of Wands: it is time to break free of the prison of my thoughts. The Swords represent the mental realm and all the energy I've been expending upon thinking and living in my thoughts. I have built up my self image there, my ego is wrapped up in my mind, I create and protect this image of myself with words and my attachment to my intelligence. The X represents an ending, but also a beginning. It contains both 10 and 1. It is the space in between, where I ready myself for transformation. I'm preparing for a way of being that includes silence and trust, instead of constant words and doubts. We each create our lives by the limits of our mindsets. What if we each adopted a mindset of limitlessness? What if we didn't draw conclusions based on fear and anxiety? What if we let anything be possible? The image of the X of Swords is Scorpio, is Death, coming to sweep away old ways of thinking and create an open space for limitlessness.

I loved doing this little reading for myself this morning of the New Moon. The Mary El tarot just blows my mind every time I do with a reading with it. If you're interested in receiving an email reading for your own New Moon energy and intention setting, please get in touch. Happiest of New Moons to you!