Learning and Integrating with the New Moon in Gemini, June 13, 2018

Happy New Moon in Gemini! As we start off another cycle with the Moon, this time we are given the airy, communicative energy of Gemini to guide us through the next four weeks. Gemini rules over the realm of the mind, so this month I thought I would help us connect our mind to our intuitive side by using the Mary-el Tarot deck for our moon reading. Whoa, this deck always blows me away with its depth. It takes me to another realm of the subconscious and intuitive realm more than any other tarot deck that I use. For this reason, I have refrained from doing readings for other people with this deck. I rely heavily upon the book that Marie White includes with her deck and love delving into the esoteric ideas that she communicates therein. Gemini energy loves to communicate lessons so this month I'm exploring what we can learn and how we can use those lessons in the coming month ahead. Enjoy!

What lessons can I learn during the Gemini moon cycle?- Queen of Wands This Queen is a master of her internal fire energy. She carries a light that shines brightly in all the darkest corners of her inner world. This light illuminates that which wants to remain hidden- the true self. It can be scary and difficult to face our true self. We want to hide, we want to show up as society would have us be, we want to be "normal." Yet, each of us is unique and incredible, fierce and bright, strong and capable. The Queen of Wands asks you to learn the lesson of self-confidence, of self-reliance, and of self-love. She wants you to hold up a mirror and look at your true self and see yourself as a gift, as perfect, as the miracle that you are incarnate. She fills this act with warmth and kindness, using her inner fire to make you feel secure and safe revealing yourself. At this Gemini New Moon, you can learn about the potential that you hold within you. You can learn to be self-assured and luminous like the Queen of Wands.

How can I integrate this lesson into my experience?- The Moon There is something mysterious and unknowable about this process of self-realization and self-actualization. Where does your "yourness" reside? What makes you "you"? Why can't you transform into someone else? Your only option is to come more fully into yourself, to be more authentic, to be more confident, to be more you. The Moon asks you to use your intuition and explore the area of your subconscious in order to access your inner Queen of Wands. The Moon is your secret place, your inner realm, your hidden side that you want to keep away from the world. It's your dark side of the moon, never brought into the light. What purpose does all the secrecy serve? This Gemini moon cycle asks you to reveal yourself, to go within, shine a light, and emerge from that darkest of places in order to show up in this lifetime. You cannot show up for your life and really experience it when you are expending so much energy hiding your true self. Use the light of the Moon, the energy of the Moon, the intuition of the moon, to allow yourself to become more fuller yourself during this cycle.

What secret does Gemini have to share with me now?- 8 of Discs In this card we see an image of the binary world, of two sides coming together, of the Twins of Gemini standing together but never touching. In the space between these two pillars of energy there is an innocent and pure lamb. This lamb represents you. It represents your ability to be more than one thing, to have more than one side, to be multi-faceted, and exist in the space between. The space between is balance, it is truth, and it is honest. This space is also light and airy, just like Gemini. It isn't heavy or dark, but free and transformational. You can exist in a lighter and freer space when you give up the cultural mandate to pick sides, to see things in black and white, or to choose either/or. What if you chose both? This Gemini New Moon is an opportunity to explore the riddle of what exists outside of opposites, or what happens when you don't take sides, and how you can choose more than one option if you use your creativity.

I hope you enjoyed this tarot reading for the New Moon in Gemini. I hope it generates a desire to do some deep thinking. Gemini energy is great for thinking! Use all those brilliant thoughts to explore something totally irrational, like intuition. This world we live in is not as black and white and binary as we have come to accept. Accept nothing! Question everything! That will make for an interesting month ahead with the powerful insight and creativity of Gemini on your side.