A Self-Love Message from The New Moon in Leo, August 11, 2018

Another Moon cycle has passed! At this New Moon in Leo we are gifted the last eclipse of the year- thank goodness! There have been a series of 3 eclipses starting on July 12th and ending on August 11th, activating significant shakedowns in people born with personal planets and points at approximately 14 to 24 degrees of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. My Moon sign is right in there and honestly, I've just been feeling a big need for change, even at the same time that I just don't have energy for it, feel pretty uncomfortable about it, and am resisting the instability. Yes, change is good in theory, but the enacting of it is quite difficult!! Anywho, if you're feeling the pressure to create new systems in your life, this New Moon is a great time to sit down and reflect on what aspects of your life routine no longer fit with your current picture of who you want to be. It could be something really obvious, "Why am I still doing this!?" Or it could be an activity that you greatly enjoyed in the past, but now isn't helping you to grow. It can be hard to let go of feelings, people, work, or hobbies that once filled us with such great joy, but doing this clearing out is important. Do your clear with love and attention, allowing the practice of gratitude for all of those things while still letting them go to create space for the new, for what wants to come through you now.

The Leo energy of this New Moon is a wonderful support for this process of change. Leo builds self-confidence and self-love. Leo shines out the brilliant light from within. Leo knows how to have fun, be creative, and enjoy the shit out of life. This reinvention process, this clearing out and letting go, this leveling up to a higher vibration, all that can be enjoyable and life-giving with the Fire energy of Leo at your back. Let's each ask the tarot some really simple questions about setting out intentions for this New Moon Cycle. Try this spread out and let me know how it goes!

In what ways can I increase my self-confidence and be courageous in my actions?How can I expand my self-love so that I am able to just be authentically me?Which of my creations deserves to be center stage during this moon cycle?

Here are the cards I drew for us all the consider:

In what ways can I increase my self-confidence and be courageous in my actions?- III of Wands reversed Have a vision for your best life. What do you want to accomplish? What are your dreams? Where do you want to go? What adventures and explorations do you want to go on? These are concepts, ideas, and questions that we forget to delve into after we set goals once and then get into the step-by-step actions of working towards them. But what about redirecting our goals? What about redefining what we want? Now is a time to step back and reassess where you are headed. Do you still want to be working towards those goals you set years ago? Are your dreams shifting and changing with the times but your actions are not changing and shifting as well to meet those new goals? Define your dreams, make a vision board, or a 5 year plan, or record a video of yourself explaining what it is you want for yourself in this life. Take action to reassess your bigger life vision.

Sometimes we just don't know what we want. This can be hard, "What do I even want to do with my life!?" Not knowing can be severely challenging, especially since asking once and not knowing can lead to anxiety and fear of asking again. Don't allow that fear to stop you from trying to figure this out again and don't let fear stop you from guessing. You'll learn in good time that you're on the wrong path and you know what? You'll be able to course correct, you'll be able to change things. You don't have to have the full plan, you don't have to have confidence that your plan is foolproof and you will succeed, you don't have to trust that the Universe will make this all happen for you. The only thing you need is confidence in yourself, trust in yourself, faith in yourself that you're doing the best you can with the knowledge and feelings that you currently have access to. If you can access deeper wells of self-confidence, increase your knowledge, explore you feelings more, that is great- do that if you want! But if you're as deep into as you can get and just stalling for time because you're unsure of success- forget success. Redefine success to mean "just trying my hardest with the resources I currently have." Perfect, you're ready to go.

How can I expand my self-love so that I am able to just be authentically me?- VII of Pentacles rx It's time to assess what you do have. It's time to practice a some major gratitude. It's time to fully acknowledge all that you have done. We still have many planets in retrograde in the sky, which is the best energy for reflecting and reassessing. What have you been up to? I'm guessing it's not sitting around doing nothing (although, if your plan was to sit around and do nothing and you did it- well that's a major accomplishment! Good on you for doing that self care time!). Make a list of everything that you're done recently, either towards a specific goal, or just in general in your life. You'll notice that you have taken some steps towards creating the life you want. Even if you're not there yet, you're definitely closer than before. It's important to show that work and progress the respect it deserves.

While practicing this gratitude, you'll be able to see yourself reflected in your actions. What type of person are you? Are you kind and generous with your resources? Are you reliable and dependable when given responsibility? Are you involved and dedicated to causes that means something to you? Are you loving and open in your relationships? Notice the ways that you show up in other people's lives and be proud of yourself. You're a wonderful sister, mother, aunt, best friend, etc. Extend that love into yourself. You can be someone who loves and accepts themselves. You are enough. You do enough. That's what the VII of Pentacles wants you to look inside and see right now.

Which of my creations deserves to be center stage during this moon cycle?- The High Priestess reversed Your intuition wants to take center stage right now, but you're still resisting that inner knowing. I'm not going to downplay the difficulty of getting into your calm inner center and acting from a place of intuitive knowing. We get no training in this practice, in fact, most of us are told to ignore our gut reactions and that intuition is junk and silly. You do have an intuitive gift though, we all do, and at this Leo New Moon you are being asked to bring that inner gift out and use it. It's not going to be easy or natural, this will take a bit of effort, and probably a quiet place of stillness where you can concentrate and focus on yourself. Your greatest creation at this New Moon is an increased awareness and use of your intuition, this is the area from which you can create all that you want to manifest in this world.

If, on the other hand, you're all intuition, all the time, I invite you to take a step back from that practice for the moon cycle and give yourself a break. Perhaps you are a tarot reader or a healer, or just a super empathic person who takes on the energy of those around you quite easier. You may need to spend some time cleansing yourself of the emotional cords and ties that are bound to you from all of that relating to others. Taking a break from an overworked intuitive power can be a challenge, especially if you are relying on it for your profession and paying the bills, but taking a break is required sometimes. We all have cycles of energy in our lives, that's why I'm here writing about the energetic cycles of the moon! Take a look at how you're using your intuitive gifts, go deep within and notice, then work on healing and enhancing that gift to share with others once you are rested.

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed the New Moon Reading for the coming moon cycle headed by the fiery energy of Leo. If you would like a personalized New Moon Reading, please get in touch!