Tarot Reading for the Full Moon in Aries
The Full Moon in Aries can be a bit much. It’s in your face, even more than the average Full Moon which tends towards the dramatic. Generally, at Full Moon time, we all feel a little more energize to act and get things done. Aries energy also loves to charge full steam ahead and get some shit done. So together, bam!, we can really use this time to push forward on projects that are stalled or waiting to be started. Here are some prompts for you to ask the tarot or to journal about at this Full Moon in Aries on October 13th, 2019:
~How can you take action now?
~What is blocking you from taking action? How are you resisting action?
~What do you need to let go of and not take action on now
~How can you have more fun?
Here’s a tarot reading using these prompts for the collective! Enjoy!
Ostara Tarot Deck
How can you take action now?- Page of Cups
You’re ready to act from the heart. It’s time to follow your feelings, the pure and simple ones. Act in the spirit of uncomplicated joy. Do what you loved to do as a child, but do it now with the awareness of your joy that comes with maturity. These feelings of joy are a gift. Get creative with them. Whatever it is that brings you childlike happiness, go with that!
Remember that feelings do not exist in isolation, though. Human beings are remarkably capable of experiencing both joy and sorry simultaneously. This does not detract from either; it is just the way we are built. You are allowed to revel in a luxurious meal with intense gratitude at the same time as you feel frustration and sorrow for all the people starving in this world. You are allowed to bound up a mountain with vigor and spirit, even while grieving that illness or old age ravages your loved ones. You are allowed to be passionately in love, even while despairing that a friend is heartbroken and alone. Going hungry, shutting yourself up indoors, or denying yourself love are not going to do one ounce of good for this world. Acting with love and gratitude for the gifts you are given makes right action possible and easy now.
What is blocking you from taking action? How are you resisting action?- VI of Cups
Your inner fear is waving a warning flag, “Don’t do it! It isn’t safe!” This is based upon the negative feelings associated with whatever action you took in the past that was not successful. Perhaps you got hurt before, perhaps you fell flat on your face. That was probably embarrassing or even shame provoking. Your inner child doesn’t want you do go through all that again, so you stop yourself from even trying.
You need to override the fear voice inside your head. Stop that little voice that warns if you act on your joy things will turn out just like last time, in a huge dumpster fire of badness. You can’t let fear win. You can listen to fear, you can learn from your past mistakes, you can tweak your process and make a new strategy. But you can’t give up. You still need to try. Don’t let past results dictate current potential. History does not have to repeat itself.
What do you need to let go of and not take action on now?- Queen of Wands
You need to let go of the idea that you need to be perfect in order to act. You have this awareness of what you need to do and a picture in your mind of what you want the end result to be, but you’re glossing over the middle part where you learn and grow through trial and error. Unfortunately, you can’t skip this step. You have to go through the process. So put it out of your mind that you can go from idea to fully formed manifestation.
You also need to stop the self-criticism and judgement that comes from having to learn. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. The expectation to be perfect is unhealthy. Stop that harmful thought in its tracks! You can be confident and full of self-esteem right now, before you achieve your big goal. What you need to be confident in is that you are the kind of person who keeps trying, who doesn’t give up, who seeks her joy. You don’t have to wait. You are your best self right now and you need to start treating yourself with loving kindness. I strongly advise that you stop being a big, old meany to yourself.
How can you have more fun?- VI of Swords reversed
Here is a similar message to the Queen of Wands reversed, not to wait for some future when you’ll be “ready” to have fun, but to do it right now. Sure, you might be in the middle of a shitstorm of a transition with a million balls in the air and no idea where they are going to land. Join the party. We’ve all been in such a transition before and likely, we’ll all go through another one someday. So, don’t go thinking you’ve got some special circumstances that mean you can’t have any fun right now and you’ll have fun at some future date when things are settled down and less chaotic.
Don’t take life so seriously! Ask yourself, do you know the meaning of life? Give it a good think. Did the answer you came up with include enjoying yourself, or do you think the meaning of life is the be stressed out, busy as hell, angry, sad, grieving, and hating on yourself? If you think we’re here to have a horrible time, I’m not sure you’re reading the right blog. Because this is happy, sunshine and unicorns land and we believe that joy is our birthright and we should be having some goddamn fun. So, let’s all stop delaying fun until we have more free time and do something for the simple good times of it today!
Happy New Moon in Aries!!