Tarot Reading for the Scorpio New Moon
Happy New Moon in Scorpio! I hope you are enjoying the transition into this quieter time of the year.
The New Moon in Scorpio opens a portal into your subconscious, the secret depth beneath the surface face you that show the world. This is the land of the shadow self that is outside your conscious awareness. Scorpio holds space for you to contact those hidden parts of yourself. At this New Moon, set the intention to accept and explore the unknown.
In your shadow work, be cautious, curious, nonjudgmental, and gentle with yourself. This is not easy work. The discomfort of diving into your shadow is worth the effort, though. When you open your eyes to the fears and doubts that lurk inside of you, you will know yourself better. You will reach a higher level of self-awareness. With this deeper knowledge of the self it becomes possible to move forward into the light as a fuller version of yourself. You can present to the world a true, authentic you. You can speak your truth with confidence and strength. You can be real.
Here are some prompts for reflection or tarot reading:
~ What message(s) does my subconscious want to share with me now?
~ What stories or patterns do I need to let go of so I can transform?
~ What inner truth am I concealing behind the mask I wear for the world?
And now for the tarot reading for the collective:
Zombie Tarot: Knight of Hazards (Pentacles, IX of Wands, Judgment
What message(s) does your subconscious want to share with you now?- Knight of Hazards (Pentacles)
You are making progress. You are moving forward. You are doing the work. You are going at the right pace for you. The timing of events in your life is steady, manageable, and just right for you.
Put away the worry that you are moving too slowly. Set aside anxiety that you should be further along than where you are at currently. Allow that you are right where you need to be now. You will reach your goals in good time. You will accomplish your tasks in a timely manner. You needn’t berate or judge yourself harshly for the measured unfolding of your life.
Set the intention to calmly accept the timing of events in your life. Set the intention to go at your own pace without comparing yourself to others and how fast they seem to be going. Set the intention to take things step-by-step, one day at a time.
What stories or patterns do you need to let go of so you can transform?- IX of Wands
It is time to let go of the story that life is out to get you, that everything that will go wrong will happen to you, and that you can’t trust anyone to be on your side. The truth is, life just happens. The Universe isn’t out to make your life miserable specifically or especially. We all have our challenges. No one makes it through this world unscathed and untested.
You can be resilient and courageous. You can persevere through troubled times. You can pick yourself up from failures, dust yourself off, and keep trying. It is often most tempting for people to give in when they are closest to their goals. You’ve come so far- don’t give up now even if it all seems just way too hard. It is worth the effort of your strength and determination to keep plodding along to the finish line of your goal.
Set the intention to persevere in the face of challenges. Set the intention to be courageous and work through your fears. Set the intention to trust in the process.
What inner truth are you concealing behind the mask you wear for the world?- Judgment
The thing is, you do have a purpose in this life, an inner calling, a reason for why you are here, alive on the planet at this moment. You don’t have to know what that purpose is, you don’t have to have words for it or a personal life mission statement. You only have to have faith that that purpose exists and when you act in alignment with your values and beliefs, that you are working towards that purpose.
The truth is that you are awakening, you are waking up. You are more conscious and aware now than you were last week, or last year, or every before in this lifetime. You are evolving. You are in greater communion with your higher self. You are making better use of your resources and knowledge and your kind heart than ever before. Open up your eyes to all that you are and all that you are becoming and embrace yourself.
Set the intention to act in acknowledgement of how far you have come. Set the intention to live in conscious awareness of your awakening. Set the intention to trust in your purpose for being alive.
Happy New Moon everyone. I hope you plant the seeds of beautiful intentions to live your best life during the coming moon cycle. Remember, it is the practice of showing up and opening your eyes that matters, not perfection or total enlightenment. Do as the Knight of Hazards and take it one step at a time. Every little bit adds up, even when you have setbacks you can endure with the IX of Wands. And of course, connect with your higher self through Judgment when you are in doubt. You are whole, complete, and total right now, the practice is a means of getting you in connection with yourself each day.