A Tarot Reading for the Full Moon in Cancer
Happy Full Moon day! And a happy lunar eclipse as well. Big energy! Whoot!
A Cancer Full Moon is an emotional time to release and let go, to forgive and make amends, to connect with your heart center and to act from love. An eclipse is a door into a new chapter of your life. The door is shutting now on a past way of getting your emotional needs met, or feeling loved, or expressing your devotion. Now a new pathway is opening before you that offers a deeper level of self-understanding, of meeting your emotional needs, and spreading your loving kindness out into the world.
Today is a great day to lay low and keep things quiet. Yeah, I know it’s Friday and perhaps you have party plans, the Full Moon could make other party goers a little wild and free tonight as well. Just remember to be mindful of your drinking (Cancer water energy can make it difficult to monitor your intoxication level) and open your heart to people who actually deserve it. If you’re like me though, you’ll spend the night doing a little moon bathing, albeit through some cloud cover, and writing down a list of everything you would like to release at this Full Moon in order to make room for new growth at the next New Moon. You can put out your decks and crystals under the moonlight to give them a little cleanse and recharge as well.
You could also try out these prompts with your tarot deck:
1. How can I meet my emotional needs now?
2. What emotional needs of mine are going unmet and why?
3. What nurturing do I need to give and receive in my home and family?
Here is a tarot reading for the collective using these prompts:
The Spacious Tarot : Ace of Pentacles rx, Three of Cups, Child of Swords rx
1. How can you meet your emotional needs now?- Ace of Pentacles reversed
There is a distinct need to chill out and relax in the air. Yes, you have projects to work on, business matters to attend to, job applications to write, home renovations to sweat over, budgets to balance, and a rocking body to work out. It can wait. Or rather, it can happen slowly. It isn’t going to suddenly be all figured out and perfected overnight if you just push a little harder. This is going to take time. And you have time! You have your entire life, and rushing and forcing and striving to “get ahead” isn’t a thing. You’ll just find more to do, and be equally stressed out, perhaps even more overwhelmed because you’ve decided since you could handle a certain amount in the past, you must be able to do even more. So you pile it on. Stop doing that!
You are making progress. You are growing something magnificent and meaningful and 100% you. You are doing that right now, in this very moment. There is no reason to focus on the negative, to pour over what you haven’t done yet and should have, to agonize over your mistakes or shortfalls. There is every reason to look at what you have done, to notice your progress, to pat yourself on the back, to be proud of your accomplishments, to be grateful and appreciative. When you act with good and loving intention, even if you feel like a terrible loser and a horrible person, you are shaping your mind and your heart through that intention. It’s not going to be an instant alignment between heart and actions, but practice is the only thing that will get you closer to living with a gentle, loving, and brave heart. No time like the present to start practicing!
2. What emotional needs are going unmet and why?- Three of Cups
You can fill up your cup by spending more time with the people that you love and who love you. Perhaps you feel like being alone or acting the hermit. Perhaps you want to be in a romantic relationship but haven’t found the right partner. Maybe your family won’t accept you and is pushing you out. It’s time to turn to your friends, your people, the ones who get you and respect you and let you be yourself, whoever that may be. Even if you really want those other people to love you and meet your emotional needs, reach out to your friends now intead. They can help. They want to help. Even if they haven’t heard from you in 10 years, still reach out and see if you can reestablish a connection. Friends are a gift. It’s time to cherish yours and see how much friendship truly fills your heart space.
3. What nurturing do you need to give and receive in your home and family?- Page of Swords reversed
There is a need for a bit of fresh air in your home and family. Is this as simple as opening a window and giving the place a good airing out? Do you need to get some space from your family in order to reconnect later with a quieted heart? Or perhaps you all need to do something together that is new and different, shake yourself out of old routines in order to reinvigorate your connection and your home space. Sounds like a call to rearrange the furniture doesn’t it? Ha! Ask yourself how you inject some new life into your home and family life?
This Page also asks you to consider if you have been putting up walls between you and your family? Have you been distancing yourself because you feel misunderstood or unappreciated? Sometimes you just feel different, maybe because you’re growing and changing and your family hasn’t caught up to your new sense of identity. How can you show your people that you are a newer, better, happier version of yourself? It’s time to cast off old patterns and identities that no longer define you and let the current you shine out.
There you go! I hope you enjoyed this Cancer Full Moon reading for the collective. Have a wonderful night tonight and I’ll see you again next time :)!