Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Aquarius
Happy New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th at 4:42pm EST! Whoot! A New Moon signals the beginning of another moon cycle and an opportunity to start fresh. Aquarius energy blesses new beginnings as this sign evokes innovation, revolution, self-expression, and originality. Take some time at the start of this moon cycle to set intentions for the month ahead. How do you want to be aligned with the Aquarius energy in the month ahead? How can you use this energy to infuse your goals with new inspiration.
Major Themes for the New Moon in Aquarius:
~ Innovation and originality
~ Being unconventional but true to yourself
~ Getting a larger perspective or new outlook
~ Break through and revolution
~ Learning and discovery
~ Technology and communication
Actions for the New Moon in Aquarius:
The New Moon is an excellent time to do a ritual, being intentional with your actions in order to show your commitment to a fresh start at this time.
~ Make your own rules, break with rules you disagree with
~ Recommit to your New Year’s resolutions
~ Finally set intentions and goals for the year ahead
~ Clean up, repair, backup, or buy a new computer
~ Communicate an important message
~ Express your unique self through your personal style
New Moon Reflection Questions:
The New Moon a wonderful time to do a tarot reading for yourself. Here are some questions you can use as prompts for the tarot or simply as a journaling exercise:
~ How can I invite innovative fresh energy into my life?
~ Which area of my life needs new ideas and innovation?
~ How can I look at my life in an inventive new way?
~ How can I best be my unique, unconventional self?
~ How can I be honest and true to my unique personality?
~ What will help me express my inner creativity with clarity?
~ What area of my life needs the most focused r/evolution?
~ How can I ground myself when carried away by new ideas?
~ What message do I want to communicate to the world?
~ How can I improve my relationship with technology?
~ How can I speak my truth?
~ What is the larger issue? What am I too close to see?
~ What special message does the Universe have just for me?
Now here is the reading for the collective using a few of these prompts! Enjoy and be advised!
The Spacious Tarot : Nine of Cups reversed, Eight of Pentacles reversed, Guardian (Queen) of Cups
Which area of your life needs new ideas and innovation?- Nine of Cups reversed
Ohhhh, I love this! The area of your life that is seeking a shakeup and new perspective is how you think about happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction. It is time to put happiness under the microscope and decide how you would like to redefine the concept entirely. What does it mean to be satisfied with life? What do you really need? What do you actually wish for? You will likely find many messages from advertising and capitalism that tell you what you need to buy or do in order to be happy. It is the acquisition of things and the promotion of status that lead to happiness. At least, that’s what I hear when I look around at the dominant cultural paradigms.
Accumulation and status don’t actually make me happy, though. In fact, they put happiness off until the future, a time we don’t live in. We only live in the now and a peaceful heart is completely available to you right in this now, with exactly as much stuff as you currently own, in exactly the role that you currently occupy. There is nothing more that you need to do besides notice. Aquarius offers you a new perspective, it allows for epiphanies, it grants flashes of wisdom. You know, those moments when you feel joy bubble up in your heart at the sight of a flower, or the sound of laughter, or a gorgeous baby animal. You can hold onto those moments through the intention to count them, appreciate them, know them to be real happiness. That doesn’t mean you will always be happy, but a heart always inclined towards gratitude, holding the intention to appreciate the peace all around you, that is a real path to satisfaction in life.
How can you be honest and true to your unique self?- Eight of Pentacles reversed
Practice, practice, practice! Listen, it took you your entire life to create the patterns, habits and beliefs that you currently hold. Many of these are dysfunctional, delusional, and unwanted. Some you know you don’t want, others you haven’t even figured out are changeable. The Eight of Pentacles invites you to do the work of consciously changing your patterns. You can change. I know you might think you were just wired a certain way and the things that happened to you have irrevocably scarred you, but that is not the entire truth. Science shows that you can create new neural pathways in your brain. Spirituality has always offered the opportunity to shift your beliefs towards you highest self. You can change.
Change isn’t easy and often times it is downright hard and terrifying. The Eight of Pentacles advises you to ask for help, to seek support, to learn from others, to be a student. Ultimately, you learn from your own experiences, but hearing about the experiences and lessons of others can be heartwarming, inspiring, and healing. You are not alone in your suffering, in you craving, in your addictions, obsessions, bad habits, self-sabotage. These are a part of the human experience. Being human isn’t easy but you can make it more peaceful and calm by holding the intention to live a peaceful and calm life. And give yourself time, and practice, practice, practice. If you spend as much time practicing peace as you have spent being anxious, you’re bound to make some progress eventually!
What message do you want to communicate to the world?- Guardian (Queen) of Cups
The Queen of Cups has a message of love and emotional maturity to send out to the world. What if we all acted with kindness towards each other? What if we all looked on each other’s suffering with compassion? What if we shared and celebrated each other’s joys and triumphs? The world would be a beautiful place if we could just hold our hearts open to each other. The Queen of Cups knows how to do that. She has a firm handle on what is her emotional baggage, legacy, and burden and doesn’t let that get her down. She holds it as lightly as she can and doesn’t let it keep her from loving others, being generous, and opening her heart. The Guardian of Cups asks us to communicate from our calm inner center with the utmost care and love for all creatures. Be a role model. Act how you would like everyone to show up in the world, as compassionate, kind, caring human beings.
There you go! Happy New Moon! I hope it is invigorating and inspirational to you. Set some great intentions to lead with kindness. We could all use as much of that as we can get!