A Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Aries
Happy New Moon in Aries! Every New Moon holds a special energy for intention setting and new beginnings, yet the Aries New Moon can hold the greatest potential for a fresh start of all the New Moons. This is because it marks the beginning of the astrological year, as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the New Moon is the symbol of beginnings. Aries season brings a sense of renewal. Just as spring energy emerges in the northern hemisphere, there is much potential to plant the seeds now that will lead to growth. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to begin anew! Start the year off right!
I made you a free PDF with more information about the Aries New Moon, journal prompts, a tarot spread, and intention setting reflection questions. You can download that here!
And here is the tarot reading for the collective at this time:
The Spacious Tarot: VI of Wands reversed, Explorer of Cups reversed, V of Cups
How are your plans for the year ahead developing and evolving? - VI of Wands reversed
The pressure to be farther along and making huge leaps and bounds towards your goals feels overwhelming and oppressive at this time. There’s this sense that you should have done a lot more than you have at this point in the year. Please, stop with that negativity. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now. Yes, there is more to be done and a million things on your to do list, but guess what? - it will always be like that. You’re always going to be adding stuff on there and setting new goals and wanting to achieve new things. That is fine and dandy, but can turn nasty when you aren’t appreciating where you are at now and being in the flow of life’s unfolding. Take a time out and notice. Notice what you have accomplished. Notice what your projects are. Notice what you’re trying to accomplish. Notice what actions you have done so far. Notice even the smallest details. Even if you haven’t done a single thing towards you goal, keeping the goal on the list is something actually!
What you need right now is a pep talk from yourself. Sure, I could write you a whole pep talk and maybe it would be inspiring and help you, but it wouldn’t be half as powerful as you telling you a bunch of super specific, awesome things about yourself. Take a moment today or soon enough to write down a long list of things that you are proud of about yourself. Or look in the mirror and talk to yourself about what you love about yourself. I know- silly! But also effective. Look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself, “I love you and you’re doing a good job.” Because you’re doing a fucking amazing job. Even if you’re falling flat on your face right now and a total fuck up, those fuck ups are what are going to help you grow. Life is painful, but don’t let that stop you. There’s no way to make it not painful, so accept it and be proud of all of your ups and downs. They are creating the only and best version of you.
What area of your life requires immediate action? - Knight of Cups reversed
The single biggest thing you can do for yourself right now is recognize when you are living in fantasy land and call yourself back to reality. Fantasies and daydreams are very enticing and pleasurable much of the time, but ultimately they are delusions. Pull yourself away from the powerful distraction of fantasy and root yourself in reality. Look around and see what is real. This can actually be quite difficult. Some of our delusions are very persistent and sneaky and make us think they are actually reality when they are not. For example, you may be living under the delusion that you are too old to start a new career, hobby, relationship, ect. This is not true. If you are still living and breathing than there is still time for another chapter to unfold in any area of your life. It’s not too late for changes and it's not too late for happiness. The Knight of Cups can be a bit of a romantic, but as long as you are pulling those fantasies into the framework of reality, the emotional cues you are receiving from your fantasy land can lead you towards big, inspired actions.
Remember to act. And remember that daydreaming is not action. Try out your fantasies in real life and see what happens. Oh yes, you heard me right- permission to start acting upon your fantasies. See what is really pleasurable and what is a waste of your imagination and time. The best place to take action right now is in the realm of the heart, so look for things that make you feel loved, happy, connected, and fulfilled emotionally. It feels like there is a global pull towards community at this time, so link into ways that you too can feel like a part of the greater whole. You are a part of this one world.
How can you access your courage and push yourself out of your comfort zone? - V of Cups
The V of Cups reminds you that it is courageous to face all of your feelings, even the painful ones: your heartbreak, your failure, your regret, your sorrow. As I mentioned before, life is painful and there is no way around that. Hard times come to each of us in our turn, no matter how you might bend and twist to avoid them. Running away accomplishes nothing besides adding more pain and disappointment to your life as you heap personally created suffering upon life created suffering. Choose to stay present to your pain. Choose to sit with your difficult emotions. This is a brave action and the outcomes reflect that bravery. When you face your pain with a compassionate, gentle, and loving presence instead of hiding, running, or denying you get through that shit faster, you learn from what happened, you get to grow and change.
It is also an act of courage to remember joy during the hard times. You do not have to perceive life in black or white, because it isn’t that way. There are all kinds of shades of color and nuance to life, a whole spectrum of experience. Just because something is causing you intense grief in your life, that does not mean that there cannot simultaneously be great joy and love in your life. The V of Cups is a balance point, a mixture of the blacks and whites, an intense time when the commingling of hardship and happiness create an uncomfortable and wild experience for you. Can you sit in this swirl? Can you allow things to be crumbling all around you, broken and spilling onto the ground, at the same time that you cross your emotional waters to find new opportunities, beautiful lessons, and so much growth. This is far outside the comfort zone but it is totally within your power!
I hope you enjoyed this reading for the New Moon in Aries. Feel free to use these prompts to draw cards specific for you and share with me how it goes in the comments below! I look forward to hearing from you. And don’t forget to download your free New Moon reflection sheets to help you set intentions at this potent time of new beginnings with the new Moon in Aries at the start of the astrological year.