Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Taurus
Happy New Moon in Taurus! Springtime is deepening in the northern hemisphere at this New Moon in Taurus. The earth is awakening, each day blooming and opening just a little bit more. This is a profoundly potent time for personal renewal as the Earth renews its flowers and leaves and the Moon renews it’s waxing journey towards fullness. Make it a priority to spend time in nature, taking a walk, looking at the spring flowers, breathing in the warming air. These are not frivolous pursuits but rather the fuel for your soul to flourish.
The process of flourishing should not be rushed. It should be indulged in, luxuriated in, soaked deep into your bones. Taurus likes to take her time, reveling in the richness of life. Be patient, gentle, and relaxed in your self-reflection and intention setting at this New Moon. Focus on the beautiful, lovely, abundant aspects of your life in order to attract more of these Taurus characteristics into your life.
Here are some reflections questions for your journal time or to ask your tarot cards:
~ What will help me connect with the pleasure and enjoyment of the physical world?
~ What will help me connect with the pleasure and enjoyment of my physical body?
~ How can I invite more relaxation, sensuality, and luxury into my life?
~ How can I better appreciate the beauty in my life?
~ What does my body need to thrive in the month ahead?
~ How can I create more love, acceptance, and intimacy in my relationships?
~ What is blocking my ability to be intimate with my partner?
~ What will empower me to open up to self-love?
~ What is blocking my self-love?
~ How can I be more practical in order to make progress with my goals?
~ What will help me move confidently toward my goals for financial security and abundance?~ How can I make solid, structured steps towards my financial goals this month?
~ How can I invite abundance into my life this month?
I’ve used three of these prompts to do a reading for the collective below. Enjoy!
The Spacious Tarot: The Hanged One rx, IX of Pentacles rx, and Ace of Pentacles rx
What does my body need to thrive in the month ahead? -
The Hanged One reversed
The idea of thriving in your body during a pandemic is an interesting one. One might ask, “Do I have the right to thrive when so many are sick and vulnerable?” The answer is a resounding, “YES!” You always have the right to be safe, healthy, and vibrant in your body. The Hanged One reversed shows that there has been stagnation or a plateau reached in your health, fitness, or bodily connection. Now it the time to break through barriers and advance to a deeper level of well-being. Let the current global health scare awaken you to your own health so that you can take better care of yourself. Yes, it may feel like comfort food and hunkering down on the couch watching TV is what the occasion calls for, but have you tried something different? Have you tried eating healthy, sleeping more, doing new exercises, reading those books on self-development and spiritual practice that have been sitting on your nightstand? I’m not advocating for a total life makeover. I’m just saying, give it some thought from the new vantage point you have on your life. Can you better see what is important, changeable, adaptable, doable for you now? Perspective has definitely shifted on some many thing about your life right now, how could care for your body benefit from this perspective shifts?
How can I take practical, solid steps towards my goals this month? - IX of Pentacles reversed
One of the most solid steps you can take towards your goals is to reevaluate and redefine them now that things have shifted in the world. Do you still have the same goals? Are you still interested in achieving the same outcomes? Do you still want the same things out of life that you did a month ago? What is worth your effort? And how much effort do you want to put in and at what pace? Revisit any goals you wrote down at the beginning of the year and see if they still resonate with you. Look at what action steps are even feasible right now and DO THOSE. Definitely don’t stop taking actions that are available to you, even if some parts are currently not possible. Pay particular attention to which of your goals have materials aims, for example, if you want to buy a house, update your wardrobe, get a new car, upgrade to organic food, etc. The Taurus New Moon is fabulous for attracting the nicer things in life in these are your goals. You may be questioning whether or not you deserve nice things during a global pandemic, and the answer the Universe has for you is once again, “YES!” As long as the why behind your luxuries still makes sense to you, don’t give up on your dreams. We all deserve to live in comfort. Let’s focus on finding ways to make everyone’s dreams come true instead of just the 1% who control more than half the wealth in this world.
How can I invite more beauty, abundance, and luxury into my life? - Ace of Pentacles reversed
It’s time to go back to the very essence of abundance and get yourself in alignment with what abundance means to you. The reflecting you did with the IX of Pentacles reversed in regards to your goals, and The Hanged Man reversed in regards to your body, will help you get in touch with this essence. When you strip back to the bare framework of what is needed for you to feel safe, healthy, and whole in this world, you can build up abundance from there. You can create a new version for yourself or slowly put back together your old structures with new intention and awareness. The key is to get away from preconceived notions, inertia, old patterns and premises and use your fresh perspective to begin anew. Focus with true attention on what you already have in terms of beauty, wealth, and luxury in your life. You have so much! And remember that these ideals are also unique to you. I find avocados luxurious whereas another person might believe olive tapenade is the height of luxury. It’s not one size fits all out there in terms of defining a good life for yourself. Don’t let marketers dictate your desires through advertising. Define yourself.
Dive into these reflection exercises at this New Moon, but also take it slowly. There is no reason to rush, you have time to contemplate these ideas and allow them to unfold gently. Perhaps you will have some suddenly ahas about what old ideas can go, but mostly this will be a slow evolution of awakening. Awaken to what is best for the earth and for the continued survival of the human species upon this glorious orb. After all it is Earth Day, the day we celebrate our planet. What and how do you want to celebrate about life?
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this reading and found it useful. Have the best New Moon in Taurus, stay home, and be well!