Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Gemini
A Happy New Moon in Gemini to you! This New Moon happens at 1:38pm EST on May 22nd, 2020. Gemini energy invites to you to get outdoors into the fresh air and experience the wind upon your skin. Take deep, full breathes of life giving air and appreciate this opportunity to set new intentions with the New Moon. Spring is opening up to a full bloom here in the Northern Hemisphere, with the lilacs about to burst into glory any day now. Lilacs are my absolute favorite flower in the world, the scent captivates me, and their purple color (don’t worry, I love the whites ones too), is my favorite color.
Major Themes of the Gemini New Moon:
~ Communication, writing and speaking
~ Education and intellectual pursuits
~ New thoughts and ideas, brainstorming and curiosity
~ Learning and exploring new things, travel
~ Technology, especially that which helps with communication
~ Light-heartedness, humor, wit, play, and laughter
Actions for the New Moon in Gemini:
~ Communicate your thoughts and ideas through writing and/or speaking
~ Schedule that big presentation or product launch
~ Enroll in a class or start a new hobby
~ Brainstorm, meet with a mastermind, diagram your situation
~ Design a social media strategy, or new communication plan for your business
~ Laugh, play, and have fun with friends and family (or anyone!)
~ Spend time in the fresh air to infuse yourself with spring breezes and the winds of change
~ Set intentions the help you grow in these areas
Journal prompts or tarot card draws:
~ What message do I have to share with my people?
~ How can I most effectively communicate and express myself?
~ What do I need to learn about how I communicate?
~ How can I expand my social network this month?
~ How is my communication style holding me back or blocking my message?
~ What would I like to learn and explore this month?
~ How can I channel my creativity and inspiration?
~ What obstacles are getting in the way of my creative flow?
~ How can I ready myself for new experiences at this New Moon?
~ How can I foster a positive and productive relationship with technology?
~ Where am I falling short on delivering my message?
~ What areas of my life need a more light-hearted and fun energy?
~ How am I holding myself back from enjoying my life?
~ How can I have more fun!?
And now for the the tarot reading for the collective using three of these prompts:
The Spacious Tarot: VIII of Swords reversed, The Hanged One reversed, and VIII of Pentacles reversed
All reversed cards! This could be because Mercury, ruler of Gemini is currently square Neptune. This can create a struggle between clear vision and reality, as Neptune tends to obscure with fantasy, reflection, and imagination. This creates a need for inner focus, a time of self-reflection and inner work. Also, Venus is retrograde, also in Gemini, supporting this sense of going within even during a New Moon in Gemini which would normally be a more outward focused and social time. Events in the world reflect this inner focus, as we cannot travel or go out to do the fun, social things we usually associate with Gemini season. No matter how much we need to expand and flow out at this time, circumstances hold us back.
What message do I have to share at this New Moon in Gemini?- VIII of Swords reversed
A favorite card of mine! It contains a message I always find appropriate for me and one I always want to share with the world. That message? GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. (Yes, I yelled it, but with joy!) So often, the problems that plague us, the issues that loop viciously in our minds, are cause by our own thoughts ruts which are based on our own beliefs about what is possible. Perspective needs to shift now. Your mindset needs to be overcome and evolve. The VIIIs are about transformation. Can you transform the way that you use your mind? Can you use it to expand with the Gemini New Moon instead of contract around fear of the unknown and great uncertainty? Can you leave behind old limiting beliefs and step into wide open possibility? You can! I know you can! We all have the ability to shift, to die to the old and be born anew with a new outlook on ourselves, the world, and who we are in that world. That is the message I want to share with you, and one I hope you take deep into your mind, all the way to the subconscious.
How can I foster a sense of curiosity?- The Hanged One reversed
Here is a similar message to the VIII of Swords reversed- you need to shift and transform your perspective. Look at the picture on the card above from the Spacious Tarot. Here is a view of Earth from the Moon. Everyday we observe the opposite image, gazing up at the Moon from Earth. What does that bring up for you about how to look at things? What does that make you realize about perspective? Can you open your mind, letting your curiosity wonder down new paths, new possibilities, new vantage points? Just give it a try, try being in opposite land for an experiment. Instead of say, “I’ll never be able to make the amount of money I want to earn,” say, “It’s so easy for me to make my desired income.” Try this technique with anything and everything, just see how it feels to say these things. Speak it out loud. “I will be able to run a marathon in no time!” “I’m going to find my dream partner on the internet today!” “I am going to take the day off from my to list!” Whatever, it is that you feel is out of your grasp entirely, say that you have it. It doesn’t mean that these things are true, but in the unknowable uncertainty of the future, their opposites are equally possible. Be curious enough to allow that everything is possible.
How can I invite more fun into my life?- VIII of Pentacles reversed
Easy one! Work less! Or, at the very least, stop putting so much pressure on yourself to get things done and do them expertly, perfectly. Work becomes drudgery when it is your primary focus and something must be done just right- or else! Or else what? Will the world end if you write shorter email replies, or take on few projects, or don’t get all your chores and errands done exactly right? Let’s try to the curious approach of the Hanged One reversed and say, “My work is fun. I enjoy my work. I’m doing the best I can it’s totally good enough. I deserve some time off and this work can wait, easily.” Hopefully, your work can wait and you can make more room in your life for fun. Don’t let perfectionism consume you. If you absolutely must work all the time, allow yourself to explore what’s enjoyable in the work. What attracted you that work in the first place? How will following through make you feel? Possibilities for fun are all around you, but you must see them to grasp them and give yourself permission to enjoy life! What’s the point of all this if you can’t enjoy anything?
There you have it, the New Moon reading for the collective. I hope you found it inspiring and entertaining. Until next time, I hope you set beautiful intentions that you follow through on with this New Moon. Deep breathes!