Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Cancer, June 21st, 2020

Happy New Moon in Cancer! Happy Solstice! And let’s throw in a solar eclipse while we are at it. Doors aren’t just closing, they are slamming shut and other doors are being flung wide open, hands coming through to pull us towards the future. Let change happen. Be part of the change. Drive yourself forward. Push others along with you. There is no reason to hold back besides fear. Fear that we don’t know what comes next. Fear that we don’t know how to fix everything. Fear that we will fail.

Don’t think about any of that, it isn’t here to serve you!! Going forward will change you in ways that you can’t imagine. And those unimaginable changes will be create exactly the future that is right for you.

Okay, let’s do a tarot reading for the collective based around the themes of the New Moon in Cancer. I wrote quite the newsletter about what those themes are, so I won’t repeat myself too much here. (If you want to be a part of the monthly newsletter, you can sign up here).

Here is a simple list of the major themes of a New Moon in Cancer:

~ Nurture and acceptance of self and others
~ Feelings and emotions
~ Introspection and self-reflection
~ Home and security
~ Family and friend connections, motherhood
~ The past and ancestors
~ Loyalty and commitment

Here are some suggested actions that are supported by the New Moon in Cancer:

~ Clean, fix up, or beautify your home or work space
~ Make yourself a home cooked meal to share with your loved ones
~ Spend some time journaling or meditating about your feelings
~ Call your Mom or another close relative to express your love
~ Go through old photographs and reminisce about the past
~ Call on your ancestors and ask them for guidance and support
~ Spend time near water and go for a swim

I know I’ll be taking a bath for sure!! And lastly, a list of journal prompts or questions to ask the tarot at this New Moon in Cancer:

~ What area of my personal life needs more nurturing?
~ How can I be more nurturing and supportive of my creations?
~ How can I contribute to creating a more nurturing and caring world around me?
~ How can I best nurture myself at this New Moon?
~ How can I make my house more of a home?
~ What energy will help me create a feeling of security in my life?
~ What can add to my sense of safety and security in the world?
~ What new beginnings best support my home and family life?
~ How can I foster more love and connection in my life?
~ How can I set boundaries within my family so I have personal space to grow?
~ What aspects of my past do I need to process and let go of now?
~ What aspects of my past serve me well now and into the future?
~ Where do I need to be more committed and loyal?
~ How can I increase my ability to commit and follow through?

And now for that tarot reading I mentioned! Let’s use the prompts:
How can I best nurture myself at this Cancer New Moon?
How can I foster more love and connection in my life?
What lessons from my past serve me well now and into the future?

Linestrider Tarot: King of Pentacles, Strength reversed, The Sun

Linestrider Tarot: King of Pentacles, Strength reversed, The Sun

How can you best nurture yourself at this Cancer New Moon?- King of Pentacles

Buy yourself something! Lol, but no really- check in with your material possessions, your money systems, your accounts, your assess, all that shiz. Cancer loves money and loves feeling secure. Give yourself the nurturing gift of knowledge about your finances and ease your mind of any distress that you don’t have enough. You do have enough. You have enough time to treat your body to healthy exercise, sleep, and food. You have the resources to keep yourself housed, clothed, and fed. You have the skills that you need to do your work and keep yourself alive. You have the self respect to treat yourself with love and care. You are a King in your kingdom, no matter what you may feel like you are lacking. Take this New Moon opportunity to focus on what you have, your abundance, not your lack. Then, really do treat yourself. A nice bath is a very appropriate treat for Cancer times, or a delicious meal, time off with friends and family, or some luxurious sexy time, alone or with a partner. Or actually finally buy yourself something that you need and deserve.

How can you foster more love and connection in your life? -
Strength reversed

This one is going to involve a vulnerability hangover! You need to dig deep and expose some of the things you are keeping private and restricted in order to make connections. This is tough work, revealing yourself to someone you care about and desire acceptance from. The thing is that there are no guarantees that your revelations will be met with equal love and validation as you give yourself. Connection with others is inherently risky business. That’s why so many of people decide to stay alone, be lonely, cut themselves off. The risk of reject after exposure is just too high. People think they don’t have the resilience and fortitude to be vulnerable. Ask yourself if that kind of life without risk is a life worth living, though? There are ways to learn resilience and paths to recovery after rejection. And there is always the possibility of reciprocity of feelings! It’s a really good possibility actually!! It’s time to jump on that vulnerability train or you’re going to stay parked in the station forever, probably hoping for rescue and giving your power away.

What lessons from your past serve you well now and into the future?-
The Sun

You were born for joy! The lessons of life involve pain and suffering but they must do so in order for us to find joy. If we get stuck in the pain and suffering and cut ourselves off from joy, than all will be for nought. Seriously, life will be one big pointless waste of time if you never enjoy it. So, ask yourself what you used to enjoy in the past. What did you love to do as a child? How did you lose countless hours of pleasurable fun? It’s time to bring those things back again, have a little bit of fun. Have a lot of fun! Try out different things until something sticks. One area the Cancer New Moon is especially supportive of is friendship and heartfelt connection. If you used to spend a lot more time just hanging around with your friends, it’s time to start making calls and Zoom dates and outdoor recreational activities at a safe distance. Reconnect with your past and bring back the aspects of it that were truly joyful but have somehow fallen by the wayside. Laugh as The Sun!

Happy New Moon in Cancer! Let me know if you try this spread for yourself! Until next month :)

Deirdre Doran