Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Pisces
The New Moon is in Pisces today! Pisces New Moon energy is fluid, it’s gentle, it’s intuitive, and it’s artistic. The watery, emotional flow of Pisces brings the most powerfully intuitive New Moon of the year. This is also the final New Moon of the astrological calendar, making this a great time to tap into your inner knowing and assess where you are at in your life. Follow your inner guidance. Be a spiritual seeker. Look for places where you feel “off” emotionally and get to the bottom of that feeling so you can realign your actions with your intuitive knowing. We all have a bit of psychic inside of us that we can best connect with at this New Moon.
Major Themes for the New Moon in Pisces:
~ Intuition, visions, creativity
~ Daydreams, imagination, and fantasies
~ Connection to all that is, harmony
~ Raising your vibration
~ Clearing emotional blocks, practicing compassion and loving kindness
Actions for the New Moon in Pisces:
~ Pay attention to your dreams at night, keep a dream journal
~ Express yourself creatively through drawing, painting, dance, or writing
~ Allow psychic and intuitive messages to come through
~ Spend time quietly and tranquilly alone or with family and friends
~ Take a long bath or go swimming, spend time near water
~ Journal and listen to soothing music, take a time out, sleep longer than usual
~ Volunteer to help others or give away personal possessions
Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Pisces
The New Moon is a wonderful time to do a tarot reading in order to set intentions for the incoming Moon cycle. Here is a tarot reading for the collective that will inspire and guide you in the coming moonth. You can also try using the prompts to draw tarot cards personal to yourself if you wish:
What subconscious knowing can come to the surface now? - VI of Cups
What do you need to integrate now in order to move forward? - Knight of Cups
How can you show compassion for yourself and others? - The Sun reversed
The Shadowscapes Tarot Deck: VI of Cups, Knight of Cups, The Sun reversed
There is a growing into the knowledge that life should be more fun and light-hearted. We take things too seriously, trying to get ahead in our work and home lives, making leaps and strides to live our best lives. Why are our best lives somewhere in the future? What is wrong with having fun and enjoying life right now, just the way it is? Take advantage of every urge you have to play and experiment, to try things out and be spontaneous. Find more opportunities to laugh and never suppress a happy giggle. It’s time to see the world with the eyes of a child again. The VI of Cups perfectly encapsulates the Piscean energy of innocence, naïveté, and child-like wonder. There is no malice in the heart of a gentle Pisces soul, and right now, you too can set aside your skepticism and your disappointment with the grown-up world, and recapture the energy of your inner child. It is only social constraints which cut you off from it, not any kind of real physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual barrier. This is all about perspective. You don’t have to follow the rules and set fun aside just because you have to pay the bills. Why not pay the bills while bumping the beats and eating jelly beans? Or pay the bills and then celebrate with a dance party? Joy is always accessible to us, we need simply to take ourselves less seriously and open ourselves to what fun times life has to offer.
This month ahead asks us to do much integration of the emotional lessons we have learned in the last year. We are ready to mature, to deepen our understanding, to reprogram ourselves with the new knowledge that has come with our experiences. You’re learning to see the overly romantic ideals you held in the past, perhaps that a romantic relationship would fulfill all your wildest dreams and make you happy forever or that getting that job or promotion would be the tip of perfection and there would be no difficulties ever again. Whatever notions you had about living happily ever after with the Knight of Cups, you’re now ready to accept the wisdom that life is not linear. It is not an up and to the right proposition to be human. We will always experience setback and roadblocks. Everything is impermanent. So remember to have fun! Remember to stop seeking our perfection. Remember that there is no “right way” to do this thing, and the way you are doing it is just fine. You have the ability to love yourself, validate yourself, meet your emotional needs, and take on the challenge of holding emotional space for those around you, for the whole world. Let this be the month that the lesson of your enoughness, without a happily ever after, without a land of no problems just around the bend, finally sinks into your consciousness. You are whole, valuable, and lovable just the way you are right now.
Now let that be the attitude that you bring with you into a life of compassion for yourself and others. Let it be gentle and full of light. The thing about compassion is that it shines equally bright in the light as in the shadows. It is always a force for good in the world. You can bring compassion to even the most frustrating and horrible situations and people. The key is practice. It may help to practice compassion on easier situations and people first, people you already love, situations that you know why they went awry. Then you can expand out to bring your compassion to more challenging people and situations. This is the work of enlightenment- to bring more light into the world, therefore the practice, the work, is 1000% worthwhile. Make this your affirmation for the month ahead: “I bring compassion to all my experiences.” Even the intention to come at life with compassion is enough to make the slightest shifts that can make a mountain of difference. Remember that you are the light, the love, and that the world needs you to help raise us all out of whatever holes we find ourselves in so we can be equal, cared-for, free, and peaceful.
I hope you enjoyed this New Moon in Pisces tarot reading! Remember, you can pull cards for yourself using the same prompts and if these prompts don’t speak to your, I’ll send you off with a few more! Blessed be!
Journal prompts or tarot card draws for the New Moon in Pisces:
~ What special message does my intuition want to share with me now?
~ What are my dreams trying to communicate to me?
~ What subconscious knowing can come to the surface now?
~ How can I see through delusion and fantasy to root myself in reality?
~ How can I express myself creatively and follow my artistic vision?
~ How can I be more creative in my day-to-day life?
~ What will help me bring my personal energy into alignment with the high vibration of my dream life?
~ How can I clear blockages in my emotional realm so that my vibration can be raised?
~ How can I commit myself to a practice of healing and recovery?
~ How can I heal my pains and fears by confronting them?
~ How can I practice patience while growth feels slow?
~ What do I have to offer or contribute to the wholeness of the planet?
~ How can I show compassion and strive to make the world a brighter place?
~ How can I be more compassionate and listen to my inner guidance?