New Moon in Aries
The New Moon is in Aries today! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and as New Moons are a time of beginnings, this Aries New Moon marks the start of a whole new lunar year. Welcome to this new year! All New Moons are a beautiful time to set intentions for the year ahead, yet this one holds even more potential than usual. Perhaps you set resolutions, goals, and intentions at the beginning of 2021, wonderful!, now is the time to check in on those aspirations and assess how you are doing a quarter of the way into the year. Perhaps you didn’t do any goal or intention setting at the beginning of the year but would like to now set those structures for yourself. Do it now! Great!
Today, I’m launching a brand new offering here at The Willow Path Tarot, one I have been working on for a long time: Tarot Year Cards! These are PDF downloads for each year of your personal nine-year growth and evolution cycle. You can calculate which year you are currently experiencing and download your guide to your Tarot Year Card here. This has the added bonus of giving you a little advantage with your goal and intention setting now, as delve into the energy of your personal year card.
I’m so proud of myself for following through on this project and offering it up to you on this first day of the new lunar year. What a dream come true! And now more about the Aries New Moon:
Major Themes for the New Moon in Aries:
~ Beginning of the astrological year
~ Making plans and taking action
~ Individuality and self-focus
~ Courage and bravery
~ Having fun and being spontaneous
Actions for the New Moon in Aries:
~ Spend time with fire: anything from building a bonfire to lighting a candle/
~ Make a vision for the year ahead with goals, desires, and dreams
~ Take action towards your goals, even a small step shows your committed intention
~ Dance, move, play, have fun!
~ Get outside of your comfort zone, set a precedent to be brave
~ Launch a new business , offering, or product line
Tarot Reading for the New Moon in Aries
The New Moon is a wonderful time to do a tarot reading in order to set intentions for the incoming Moon cycle. Here is a tarot reading for the collective that will inspire and guide you in the coming moonth. You can also try using the prompts to draw tarot cards personal to yourself if you wish:
Where to focus attention in order to create growth and expansion in the coming year? - IV of Pentacles
What will help with follow through to develop and evolve with intention? - V of Cups reversed
How to express creativity and have fun doing it? - The Hermit reversed
The Spacious Tarot: IV of Pentacles, V of Cups reversed, The Hermit reversed
It is time to focus on creating stability. There’s a need for routine and physical grounding. You need to assess your resources and inventory what you have. It’s a wonderful time for spring cleaning! Go through your physical abundance and get in touch with how much you have. When you are aware of your safety and security in the world, you will be better able to give and be generous. You may even find yourself creating a big pile of things to donate to those in need. It is time to stop hoarding or holding back out of fear of scarcity. You have enough. It is time to let your seeds fall from the tree so that they can grow and nourish others. You are taken care of, it is time to expend some of your pent up resources, be they physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
As you enter a new lunar year, remember not to live in fear of regret. In order to follow through, you need to be present and looking forward, not constantly looking back at the past. Don’t focus on your past mistakes or what you didn’t do. Notice and acknowledge the progress you have made, that you are making right now. How you remember the past is shaped by your mindset. You could choose to look back and say, “It wasn’t the right time for this or that thing back then. I did the best I could with the resources and knowledge I had. Now I can choose a different path. I am ready. Now is the right time.” Don’t live your life looking backwards, the best way to make strides towards your goals to live in the potential and possibility of now.
In order to share and express your gifts, you’re going to have to come out of your cave or cocoon of self-reflection and show yourself. You are now exiting a Hermit time, perhaps moving from winter to spring as many of us are here in the northern hemisphere. It’s a changing of seasons both externally and internally. Hermit time may have been very useful to consolidate your feelings and thoughts, but now it is time to emerge and show what you have learned. This is a fresh new year ahead of you, time to create and have fun. Aries time is Magician time! So leave the Hermit behind you. Know that follow through happens in the physical world with Aries, so it’s time to get embodied and come back to the here and now. Everything that you’ve synthesized and integrated within can now shine out for all to share.
Happy New Moon in Aries!!
I hope you enjoyed this tarot reading for the collective. Remember to go over and check out my new Tarot Year Card offerings. You can calculate your current tarot year card and instantly download a PDF all about the energy and potential inherent in your life this year. Enjoy!