10th Anniversary 50% Off Sale!

I am celebrating 10 years since I launched The Willow Path Tarot!


That’s 10 years of offering professional tarot readings on the internet. It feels like a major accomplishment! Therefore, I want to do something special and offer a sale on 3 card email tarot readings.

Right now, I have a limited number of 3 card email tarot readings available on my website for 50% off. 

That's 2014 pricing! Time warp! Get yours while supplies last. I highly doubt I will sell out, but if I do- thank you in advance!
I would say that time flies, but honestly, it feels it was a very long time ago that I started this business. I’ve gone through so many phases of learning and developing over that time, I wouldn’t have been surprised to discover that it had been 25 years!
Looking back, it seems like a different lifetime when I first clicked published on The Willow Path Tarot website. I barely even recognize that person I was 10 years ago.
And I mean that in the best way possible. I am by no means a perfect person or a perfect tarot reader, but I do feel older, wiser, and better at reading the cards after 10 more years of experience as a human and as a reader. 

Looking back can be a valuable experience for all of us. What were you doing 10 years ago? What did you believe about yourself and the world? What is different and what has remained the same?

Of course, I’m not actually a different person than I was 10 years ago, even if all of my bodily cells have replaced themselves in that timeframe. Something always remains the same within us, some essential essence that many people call the soul. 
No one has ever found the soul. It requires faith to believe that it exists even with no direct evidence. This ability to believe that something is possible, even without having evidence or first-hand experience is crucial. How else are we to go after our dreams, which are pure potential without form, unless we have faith in ourselves?

I may not have known as much about tarot 10 years ago as I do now, but I had faith that I could learn if that was what was in the cards for me. I didn’t know whether anyone would order a reading, or find value in what I had to offer, but I gave it a go because I believed it was possible.  

Over time, through taking action and going after what I wanted, I gained more confidence, skill, and wisdom. Some of that came from the tarot business and much from other life situations. So much happens in 10 years!

What dreams do you have faith that you can create? What do you want to give form? Can you believe that anything is possible?

There are few things in my life that haven’t changed in the past 10 years. Family members have died and been born, friendships have come and gone, I’ve loved and I’ve lost, and I’ve had a hell of a lot of day jobs. But one job hasn’t changed- being a professional tarot reader.
I am proud to proclaim that this is the position I’ve held for the longest out of any job I’ve done since I first started working. I put Professional Tarot Reader on my resume, ya’ll, even for jobs that have nothing to do with tarot.  Ha! That’s because being a business owner means something, it shows my dedication to a craft and a calling that doesn’t quit. I’m proud of that.
Sure, my output and time spent reading and creating content ebbs and flows with the seasons, but The Willow Path Tarot is always lodged firmly in my heart of hearts. All of its cells may have replaced themselves in the last 10 years, but the soul essence of this business remains the same: to empower, to guide, to support, to provide insight. And hopefully to make you feel seen and listened to like you deserve.
Go grab yourself a 3 card email tarot reading at 50% off!And tell all your friends to do the same. I’m looking forward to sharing what the tarot has to offer you at this powerful time in your life. Oh, and I’m wishing you the very best New Moon in Gemini, beginning of June, and National Veggie Burger Day (that is a thing!)!

Deirdre Doran