Enduring with the IX of Wands
IX of Wands tarot card image from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
Life is challenging sometimes. You know what I mean? I think you do. ;) We all have those times when it feels like everything is just piling on. It’s one thing after another.
And even when some of those things are good, or expected, or hoped for, it can still be overwhelming. And then there’s all the stuff that isn’t wanted and kinda sucks. You have to deal with that shit too, all the time. How do we keep going when things get tough? How do we do hard things? How do we perservere?
All of these questions make me think about the IX of Wands. The IX of Wands is a card of stamina, determination, perseverance, and follow through. Life is testing you but you are not beat down. You can deal. I like to invoke this card when I am tired, overwhelmed, or a little beat up but need to keep going.
The IX of Wands has a pep talk for us! It says, “Whatever it takes!” It says, “You can do hard things!” It says, “You are strong!”
Have you noticed that anything worth doing generally doesn't come easy? Every once in a while you can catch a break and things just fall into place. In those cases you wonder why it can’t always be like this!? But most of the time it’s effort and hard work and keeping on the straight and narrow that gets you where you want to go. It requires stamina, resilience, and strength.
And isn’t it beautiful to have a goal and to get to work towards it? Isn’t it a gift to be passionate about something? There is something that you really want out of life. You have purpose. You have your eye on the prize. Feel into the beauty of that divine inspiration to inspire you to keep going.
IX of Wands tarot card from the Shadowscapes deck.
With the IX of Wands in your pocket, nothing will stop you now. You are so close you can taste it. You can feel it in your bones. Even more, you can feel it in your spirit.
Your determination will not be quieted. You will focus on carrying on, even when fatigued or unmotivated. The IX of Wands tantalizes with a promise of success for all those who accept its challenge not to throw in the towel just yet, but to push on through even when it’s soooooo hard.
The IX of Wands reminds you to find your inner resolve. Trust in your ability to accomplish meaningful shit. This card is a wake up call. Tell yourself that you are worth it. Tell yourself that your ideas deserve to be pursued.
You can change. You can make a difference. You can create something. You can reach your goal. You will need to push yourself, to not give up when it doesn’t come easily, and to struggle for what you're passionate about. The IX of Wands tells you that even when faced with setbacks and difficulties it will be worth it in the end. You have this in you.
You can join me now in drawing on the strength of the IX of Wands if you need this badass energy to back you up. If you’re on the struggle bus use this card to bolster you. Don’t wish for things to be easy. Instead, wish for the strength to keep going. Turn that wish into a pray or a meditation or a visualization or a mantra. There are hidden reserves deep within you that you can tap into. Believe that and don’t give up! It won’t always be like this, but just for a little while, you can endure it.