The IV of Swords Deserves a Rest
The summer months here in Vermont have been flying by. I heard on an astrology podcast that this has something to do with the Mars being in Gemini at the moment. Or maybe it is just that times flies when you are having fun… or when you’re busy.
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how to stay grounded and healthy during a busy season. Then I tapped into the power of the IX of Wands last week when you just need to endure. But what about when it’s time for a rest?
No matter how much energy, drive, ambition, or determination one may have to enjoy a thing to the fullest, we all get tired at some point. We are only human after all. Every night we must sleep or we start to lose the plot quickly. Rest essential to our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
The IV of Swords tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck.
My favorite tarot card for promoting rest is the IV of Swords. The Pamela Coleman Smith depiction of this card shows a figure laying down on what appears to be a stone tomb in a church. The figure has their hands together in prayer pose, which signals that they are not asleep (or dead). There is a sense of deep repose.
The stained glass makes me think there is also something spiritual in this rest. The act of pausing, of taking a break, is a divine act. It isn’t selfish or weak or “unproductive.” Just like sleep at night time, our bodies and minds also need meditation and stillness while waking.
The Swords are the tarot cards that represent the realm of Air and the mind. The IV of Swords is first and foremost, a card of mental rest. Yes, physical rest compliments this peace of the mind, but it is not necessarily required. A walking meditation, a yoga practice, a hike in a natural setting, these can all create an atmosphere for a mental break.
So, if you’re need time to decompress and take your busy season down a notch, commune with the IV of Swords. This card advises you that mental composure and peace of mind bring stability and security to your life. The number IV of is the symbol of a firm foundation, and mental rest is a key ingredient in that stable base.
If you draw the IV of Swords in a reading, you can interpret it as an indication that rest will assist you. If you want to invoke rest to avoid burnout in your day-to-day life, choose consciously to commune with the IV of Swords. This is a beautiful card to work with at any point, but especially in the midst of or after a busy season. It can help you recenter, reach equilibrium, and foster equanimity.
I hearby invoke the support and guidance of the IV of Swords to help me relax, unwind, and recenter myself. I deserve rest. It is part of my natural energetic cycle. It is not weak or lazy to rest. Rest is beautiful and necessary. I give myself the gift of rest.