Tarot 101: Intuition
I describe myself as an intuitive tarot reader. Now what does that mean exactly? Well, I think that phrase means different things to different people. Today I will tell you what it means to me and how to develop your own intuition. Read on!
What is an Intuitive Tarot Reader
Simply put, I read tarot cards using my intuition. Intuition is a way of knowing. It doesn’t require conscious thought, being rational, or thinking things through. Instead, information comes from the subconscious, the Universe, or the divine, depending how you look at it or what you believe.
I look at it as information that comes from any of those sources. In fact, I believe they are all one and the same thing, just with different words pointing at the same thing.
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
The tarot is chock full of images and symbols that tap into the intuitive knowing side of being. When I look at the cards and weave them into a story, I consider that reading to be intuition in action.
Yes, I usually take into consideration the traditional meanings of the cards. I am thinking and analyzing and processing on a conscious level. I put effort and intention into the words I choose and the way I present the information that the cards contain.
There is more than just my thought processes being shared during a tarot reading, though. For example, there are many ways of interpreting a card but something tells me to choose certain aspects of it’s meaning and impart them in a certain way. These choices aren’t rational, they come to me out of instinct on the spur of the moment. I don’t feel like I’m choosing, I feel like the answer is just known.
To a certain extent, I can read people as well. That’s not a scammy thing to say when someone comes to ask for help through the tarot and I pay attention to them. People deserve to be paid this special attention. That is empathy, which when used for good, can enhance a reading profoundly.
Now the question is- how do you develop your intuition? How do you learn to trust it? Can just anyone be an intuitive tarot reader
I believe that if you want to develop your intuition and read the cards, you totally can. Everyone is capable. It’s just that not everyone wants to put in the time in effort. Reading tarot isn’t for everyone. Some people are interested more in developing other talents and that’s just fine. If you love tarot but don’t want to be a tarot reader, that’s cool! Love it in your own way!
Honing your intuitive skills is like most talents- most of the time you’re not a natural. I don’t think I’ve ever been a natural talent at anything! I certainly didn’t pick up the cards and know how to read on day one. It took time and practice. I’m still practicing every day! Anyone who puts in the reps will get better at reading the cards and tapping into intuition over time.
3 Tips to Access Your Intuition
Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash
1. Center and Ground
Your intuition is accessed most smoothly and easily when you are calm. A busy mind isn’t helpful when it comes to tapping into your intuition.
There are as many ways to ground and center as there are people on this planet. Here is how I like to do it:
Get into a comfortable position, doesn’t matter what that looks like. I pick whatever is convenient when I need to center. I like laying on the ground, sitting in a chair with both feet on the ground, or standing in mountain pose.
Take deep breathes, counting the seconds. For example, I like to breathe in for a count of four and then breathe out for a count of five.
Take at least 5 of these breathes.
Ask the Universe or your guides and angels or the divine or your subconscious (you pick how to phrase it!) for guidance. Don’t forget to thank the Universe for this guidance. I like to think: “Thank you Universe for this guidance through the tarot for today,” before I draw my daily cards.
Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash
2. Set an Intention
It is essential to set a clear intention for intuitive guidance to reach you. As I mentioned above, I like to as for “guidance for today”. You may have a more specific aspect of your day or life that you want that guidance to pertain to. Make that clear!
For example, if you are reading the tarot for a relationship problem, you want to set the intention to be open to receive guidance on how to proceed in your relationship. What will help you? What will not be helpful? etc.
Letting your intuition know what type of information you are seeking is really important. There is infinite wisdom that your intuition can gave you, but it is most useful when directed. Otherwise, you may get great advice about a problem at work, that doesn’t really relate to your problem at home.
3. Practice
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
Basically, repeat steps one and two over and over and over again! Practice makes progress. I heard that from my 6 year-old niece the other day, which gives me hope for the future. Apparently, they don’t teach you “Practice makes perfect,” anymore, which is delightful news. Let’s all strive NOT to be perfect.
I do believe that anyone can learn to use their intuition if they put in the practice. I still practice developing mine everyday. I will pull tarot cards each morning and practice tapping into that sense of knowing inside of me. I post my readings on Instagram not only to share them with you, but to push myself to learn.
The more you use your intuition, the more natural it will become!