Taurus New Moon Tarot Reading for April 26, 2017

The Sun and the Moon are both in the earthy sign of Taurus today. It's springtime in the northern hemisphere and the earth is awakening, each day blooming and opening just a little bit more. This is a profoundly potent time for personal renewal as the Earth renews its flowers and leaves and the Moon renews it's waxing journey towards fullness. There is a recognition of the necessity of beauty and pleasure in life at this time of year. Make it a priority to spend time in nature, taking a walk, looking at the spring flowers, breathing in the warming air. These are not frivolous pursuits but rather the fuel for your soul to flourish. This process of flourishing should not be rushed. Taurus likes to take her time, reveling in the richness of life. Be patient, gentle, and indulgent in your self-appraisal at this New Moon. Let's look at what advice for intention setting with the New Moon that the tarot has for us at this time:

What will help you connect with the pleasure and enjoyment of the physical world around you?- Priestess of Wands

If anyone is out having a wonderful walk, connecting with the natural world, it is the woman on this card, the Priestess (Queen) of Wands. The image contains sun, clouds, rainbow, flowers, lion, salamander, and a naked woman confidently out for a walk- I love it! This Priestess wants you to follow your passion, do what lights you up inside, follow your inner fire energy. She contains magic and so do you. So do all of us. She isn't afraid of nature and emphasizes the oneness that includes everything on this planet. If you think about what a tiny speck of existence the Earth occupies in the infinity of The Universe it is easy to see how we are all related and connected as part of this planet. That kind of perspective can quickly slip from your grasp on a daily basis when bogged down with the minutiae of getting by, though. It's important to remember that it as often as possible! The Priestess of Wands advises us all to "Just do it!", regarding the need to connect with all of Earth. Actually, it's easy to imagine that this is an image of the goddess Nike...

What will help you connect with the pleasure and enjoyment of your physical body?- VIII of Swords

On the VIII of Swords we see a woman engaged in a sword battle with a brick wall. The message this card imparts is that most of the time the battles we engage in are only real within our minds. They are not based in reality and they are not physical. Our minds trap us into these seeming corners and by fighting against them we actually give these walls strength by the acknowledgment of their existence. These walls are not real though! Oftentimes, the opinions and perceptions we have about our bodies are equally not based in logic and reality. We follow unobtainable body standards shoved at us by marketing so that we will buy products to "fix" ourselves. I challenge you to not use any of those products today. Forget about putting paint on your fingernails or powder on your eyelids. Skip the HIIT workout and go skipping around a field instead. Do what brings you joy! Love your body exactly as it is in this moment because it's a hell of a lot easier to find joy than it is to find six pack abs (not to mention that one is necessary and the other is so not.)

How can you make solid, structured steps towards your financial goals this month?- The Emperor

Well, hello Mr. Emperor, might you possibly be good with money (read with loads of sarcasm)?! You can learn a lot from the structure and disciple of the Emperor. He is a wise, but conservative investor. He earns a steady income and keeps track of his spending. He knows when he can splurge and when to hold onto his money. There is a lot to be gained with the help of this financially savvy card and the prevailing Taurus energy of the next two weeks. Why not take advantage of that energy? Sit down and make a budget, a real one with actually line items and numbers on it. If you have to bribe yourself into doing it, that's fine. Get a fancy coffee drink or drive to your favorite outdoor spot so you can get your finances straight. Once you know what money is coming versus going out, you'll be in much better shape to rule over your little empire. Otherwise you're just wishing and hoping with no solid base or plan in this reality.

Where do you need greater patience with your progress towards your life goals?- The Devil reversed

I love how the image on this Motherpeace tarot card for The Devil is basically a representation of the patriarchy. Yes, we all are impatient to break old, useless power structures and get on on with the evolution of the human race, but we here on this website are not the ones scrambling to hold onto that power dynamic, are we? Even so, we can all practice letting go of our egos, turning away from materialism and consumerism, and focusing instead on our spiritual connection. It is amazingly easy to slide into full on egomaniac mode though. We succumb to addictions, physical craving, anger and resentment of others, jealousy, and negativity loops. Right now we are steering clear of those Devil pitfalls and just allowing for life to be as it is. This is beautiful and encouraging. Perhaps we do not require greater patience but rather simply enduring patience. We are getting somewhere, just slowly, which is just how Taurus loves to do things! There is much to enjoy in the present, the way things are, so set the intention to do just that. Be present and grateful at this New Moon. You are getting somewhere! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this Taurus New Moon Reading for April 26, 2017. Go ahead and try this spread for yourself. I'd love to know if you received a similar message or other helpful advice from the tarot questions. If you would like a personalized New Moon Reading or a tarot reading in general, please get in touch. I am currently available for email readings. I look forward to hearing from you!