Spreading Peace with the New Moon in Pisces, March 17, 2018

Happy New Moon in Pisces!! It’s that time of month again when we take a moment to set intentions on how we are going to reach our goals for the month ahead. I like to believe that life is about growth, and we can all grow each month, little by little. Nothing is stagnant, even a down cycle, fallow period, or time of decay is setting the stage for continued growth in the future. It can be hard to accept these times of small action or even backwards type progress, but these times are so necessary. With the New Moon in Pisces this decay can bring healing and reconnection. Pisces energy makes hidden growth a little bit easier to allow. We more naturally accept that roots are growing down while nothing much is happening on the surface. Pisces integrates with the whole, seeing how everything is connected and whatever is happening in your life is exactly what needs to be happening for you to live your life purpose. There is much creative energy, intuitive energy, and use of your imagination. Setting intentions that focus or bring in these types of energy will facilitate your progress towards your goals this month. Let’s ask the tarot how we can connect with Pisces to set powerful intentions for the month ahead!

What aspects of my creativity or intuition need to be expressed this month?- Wheel of Fortune rx The Wheel of Fortune reversed is an interesting card to receive as guidance for expressing our creativity and delving into our intuition this month. It is calling us to trust. It is inviting us to believe. How do you use your intuition this month? By being intuitive. It doesn’t sound like much of an answer, you shouldn’t use the word in the definition of the word, but this is what the tarot has to offer us. The Wheel of Fortune reversed points towards that downward cycle, that decay, that hidden growth that happens in the dark, in the subconscious, outside of our understanding. We must intuitive trust and believe in that cyclical energy of our lives.

What creative ways can you express your subconscious? You could try writing your thoughts without structure, in a free flow. You could paint or draw without a subject, just whatever is in your soul to create. You could record your dreams or make them into a song or dance. The point of any of this creative action is to release what is no longer working for you. Pisces energy allows transition, out with the old patterns and ways of doing things, thinking your thoughts, and feelings your emotions. When you let go of those patterns it brings change, and we all know change is hard. The Wheel of Fortune reversed invites us into that difficult process of transition, but you can proceed with the full knowledge that after you release the old, you make room for the new. Utilize your artistic and creative outlets, whatever speaks to you this month, to help that transition, to process your thoughts, feelings, and physical patterns.

How can I heal my pains and fears by confronting them?- II of Cups rx The II of Cups is concerned with relationships of all kinds: romantic, familiar, friendships, coworkers, acquaintances, strangers passing by on the street.  We are in relationship with everyone we come in contact with and acknowledging that connection is important. So often we put up barriers between ourselves and other people. We think we need to protect ourselves from anger or sad people. We think that we’ll never see a certain person again so why put in the effort to be kind. We’re afraid that our kindness will be ignored, or worse, rejected and met with hostility, so we don’t even try.

These are the pains and fears that we need to address this month ahead with Pisces. We need to work on being more open, gentle, and loving in our relationships with other people, animals, plants, and our environment in general. When we confront our fear of openness and allow our barriers to come down, the interactions and relationships we foster fill our lives with joy and happiness. It’s okay to have boundaries, deciding who you allow into your life and who gets turned away at the gate, but there is a big difference between an impenetrable wall around your heart and a permeable barrier that lets in the light that others have to share with you. The II of Cups reversed reminds us not to be closed off to allow people to filter into our worlds.

What do I have to offer or contribute to the wholeness of the planet?- IX of Swords The IX of Swords represents doubts and anxieties, and while I don’t think they are particularly wonderful things that you can contribute to the health and wellbeing of the planet, I do think your awareness of what negative thoughts and emotions you are putting into the world is vital. We each need to be conscious of the energy that we are projecting into our environments. We want to take accountability for the vibrations that we are exuding, so that we can be aware and make adjustments if the energy we’re putting out there is making a situation worse.

If we can’t control our emotions or negative thoughts, the best thing for each of us to do is remove ourselves from the situation. Give the emotion time and space to dissipate and get back into a place of calm and peace. Coming at a problem from a place of fear never yields the kind of expansive and joyful results that we are looking for or wish on anyone else. The IX of Swords asks us each to take responsibility for our energy, be awake and aware to our fears and anxieties so that we aren’t unconsciously subjecting others to our negativity and bringing more people into fear with us.

I hope you enjoyed this New Moon in Pisces reading and found some inspiring advice and guidance for setting your intentions for the month ahead. This month, I intend to practice utilizing my intuition by doing more tarot readings and spending time in meditation. I intend to use my creativity by sewing tarot bags, collaging cards for my friends, writing morning pages, and editing photographs. I intend to confront my fear of relationships with other people by sharing compliments, waving to strangers while walking the dog, and writing emails to friends who I haven’t seen in years. I intend to contribute to the health of the planet by taking my recycling to the recycling center, volunteering at the humane society, and doing animal advocacy work. I intend to go forward with light and love in my heart, confronting my fear and negavity by holding space for it instead of indulging in escapism. What about you!? What are your intentions for the month ahead?