Going the Distance: 5 Tarot Card for a Happy Marriage

Love, love, love! Okay, you may have noticed that it is not February anymore, the month of love. So sorry, I never seem to end up blogging as much as I intend to in a given month. The good news is that there is no end to the ideas and topics I have for blog posts, so even if I don't write a bunch to share with you every month, I will never stop sputtering them out every now and again. Love is love, and it is a wonderful thing to think about and read about any month of the year. Am I right?! I hear a lot of advice about the importance of consistency when blogging. It helps your audience know what's coming and stick around to read on a regular basis. I just want to let you know that I appreciate you, even if I don't blog consistently, and for everyone who hangs around regardless of my blog release schedule, I love you! I do send out my newsletter consistently each New Moon, so sign up for that!

Now, let's talk about the tarot cards that show in up a reading for those long term relationships that end up culminating in a blissful union!

First off, I've chosen the IV of Wands. This card is about milestones, those big, life-defining events that come around and rock your world every once in a while. What would you call getting married besides a momentous milestone?! I love seeing the IV of Wands show up in a reading anytime, as it is such a celebratory and joyful card, but when you're looking for information or advice about a relationship, pulling this card will surely put a smile upon a reader's face. In the image above from the Rider Waite Smith tarot, we see two lavishly dressed and decorated people, cheering you to come join them under four Wands which look like a traditional Jewish wedding chuppah. The imagery itself is suggestive of a wedding and that is always a good sign if you're wondering whether it's time to pop the question.

The IV of Wands also stands for harmony within a union, meaning that two people will come together to form a beautiful blend of complementary attributes. This will be a peaceful and loving relationship, bringing you a sense of tranquility that the search is over and you can transition into a new phase of your life. The IV number shows that this relationship is one in which you can build a stable home, a home where you can express yourself freely and each grow as individuals, as well as grow as a couple. There will be acceptance and space given when changes occur, because we all are changing every day and that is a wonderful thing to share with another human being. In the beginning of a marriage, it is a great time to acknowledge and discuss this fact of constant development and growth. Make a pact that you each will be constant and stable for each other, while still allowing that you each will be different people as the relationship and time progresses.

Next up we have the III of Cups, which in the Rider Waite Smith deck above shows a trio of merry women toasting their Cups of love while dancing. This looks like the kind of wedding I would like to be at! There are deep emotions with the Cups cards, and the building of a solid foundation with the 3 aspect. At a wedding the happy new couple shares food and drink with all their guests as a symbol of the bounty of their union. This card comes up when you're planning a lavish wedding, or even a simple supper, but definitely an event where everyone walks away with full bellies and happy hearts. It will be a day when people can put their troubles aside and focus on all the happiness and love that life has to offer. This a positive and lovely card to draw as you plan a ceremony and reception that will leave you, your partner, and everyone in attendance in a state of harmony and joy.

The III of Cups represents a union at which friends and family come together to form a larger unit. There is community building and sharing, aspects of any marriage at which two families are brought together to create one family. Friendship groups will also be joined, which nowadays can be almost more important than the bringing together of families. When you marry a person, you marry their whole family and community. The III of Cups shows that circle of people surrounding your union and blessing it with their love and acceptance. It is also a reminder to always find the fun in your relationship. As you spend the rest of your lives together, think back to the excitement of your wedding and keep that memory of good times, dancing, and celebrating near to your heart.

Of course, I have to include The Lovers in the list of tarot cards that signify a wedding or other sacred celebration. The Lovers is the ultimate card of union, the joining of opposites, and the combining of values. In any marriage you want to feel like you are channeling the energy of The Lovers on your wedding day. Many people get married in June, the 6th month of the year, which corresponds with card VI The Lovers. There is an energy of combining and aligning with this card. It is important to know what your own personal values are as an individual and then to explore and question whether your personal belief system is able to combined with the personal belief system of another person. You're committing to taking life's journey with another person and will need to make choices as a unit to live that journey together. Hopefully, you did all of that exploration while you were dating and now that the marriage is imminent you have a sense of peace and excitement that your shared values will carry you forward throughout your marriage.

The Lovers is also about passion and romance, so it is a wonderful card to see for a wedding because it is not only about true love, but also romantic and sexual compatibility. Your attraction goes beyond lust and gratification and takes on the deeper level of soul fulfillment. Our soul's have these human bodies for a reason and a marriage promises to fulfill that sexual need throughout your life.

Love is the recognition of oneness in a world of separation. It is so hard for us to see that we are all made of the same stuff and we're all connected as one. Love makes it easy to see that connection, to feel oneness with another human being, and to tear down the walls of separation that are constructions of our egoic minds. The Lovers is symbolic of physical as well as emotional unity and it is THE card you want to see when you're considering an upcoming marriage proposal or wedding.

Next up we have The World, which is a card of culmination. The World indicates the space between an ending and a beginning when everything is connecting and finishing, while simultaneously recycling and starting anew. A marriage is the end of a courtship, the climax of a romance that has lead to this point when two people decide they want to spend the rest of their lives together. It is also the beginning of a new chapter in that romance, when they begin the cycle of growth together again. Marriage is an example of one of life's most beautiful cycles, one that most of look forward to experiencing.

There is a deep sense of accomplishment with The World. Finding your person, falling in love, and committing to a lifetime together was quite a task. Now you can celebrate and rejoice, dance as the woman in Rider Waite Smith deck does in her wreath in the sky. You envisioned this happy time and now it is finally here. Try to be present and appreciate your wedding, if you can :) You may find that you feel more whole, more complete, and that you understand your place in the world a little bit better. Your marriage provides wholeness with your spouse but also with your combined families joining into something greater. Lastly, The World is a sign that a honeymoon abroad could be in the works as this can be a card about world travel. Make sure your passport is current!

The last card I have to suggest that denotes a happy marriage when it comes up in a reading is the X of Cups. This is the happily ever after card. In the Rider Waite Smith depiction we see two figures holding each other and gazing at a rainbow of Cups in the sky, in front of them dance their children in the pasture by their lovely little home. This is the white picket fence, the 2 kids (a boy and a girl, of course!), the perfect home, the sharing of emotions and love. This is what we imagine marriage will be like when we are growing up and dreaming about falling in love. It can be a sign that you are seeing the world with rose-tinted glasses, so a little reality check might be in order. You aren't just imagining all of this happiness, are you!?

I don't want this introspection to come across as a buzzkill, but rather as an opportunity to explore all the feelings you are having about and with your partner. Sit down and have this dream together, envision your happiest future, share your wildest dreams. This mutual sharing can create a strong and lasting bond as you near your wedding knowing that you have a mutual vision of your future together. When your values are in alignment, you will be able to act in loving support and appreciation of your spouse. The X of Cups suggests you do the work of aligning your visions, connecting your hearts, and making a real life together. Now is the perfect time to indulge in some fantasy about how you can continue to love and support each other the rest of your days!

I hope you enjoyed this little exploration into 5 tarot cards that I think indicate a happy marriage in the works, when they come up in a reading. What cards do you think of when you imagine the perfect cards to draw for a happy marriage?