Burst into Action with the New Moon in Aries, April 15th, 2018

The New Moon in Aries today marks the beginning of the zodiac year of moon cycles. This is because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. I believe that each New Moon is an opportunity for new beginnings, but there does feel to be something extra special about the Aries New Moon. Aries is all about action, so now is the time to stop dreaming about your intentions and start to act on them. You can always make a fresh start, but right now the heavens have your back! Oftentimes, we don't take action towards our goals because we are fearful of taking that first step, or even the millionth step along our chosen path. This fear stems from leaving our comfort zone and taking risks. All the magic happens outside of our comfort zone, though, so use the Aries New Moon to give you courage to blast through your fear. The compulsiveness of Aries can help you here, as you don't need to stop to think about or feel your fear, but simply forge ahead with determination and bravery. Remember, this is just a time for starting, just a beginning. You can set big, audacious goals right now to work towards throughout the year or years ahead. The key is just to kick it off with a quick, fun, and self-focused push in the right direction.

Let's see how the tarot can help us set intentions with the Aries New Moon for the cycle ahead:

In which area of my life should I focus my new beginning on right now?- Son of Cups rx The realm of the emotions could use a little extra special focus this moon cycle. There is a pervasive sense that your emotional patterns are not in alignment with the action steps that you want to be taking. This mismatch is causing you to hesitate, something just doesn't feel right. There is an attachment to where things are at, to the dreaming and fantasizing stage, and an internal desire to stay where you are comfortable and safe. There is also a strong introversion, wanting to keep your feelings to yourself, and really, your whole self all to yourself. You need to focus on moving towards a new emotional framework for yourself at this time.

Ask yourself: "How can I come out of my shell? How can I reveal myself to other people? How can I allow myself to be vulnerable?" We so highly value and appreciate vulnerability from other people. We think other people are valiant and brave for sharing their failures, doubts, and biggest challenges in life. Then when it comes to being vulnerable and opening up about our own inner demons, we cringe and believe that everyone will think we are hideous and terrible and judge us very harshly. This is the feeling that needs to be overcome! You too will be applauded and appreciated for your ability to be vulnerable. The Son of Cups asks you to reveal yourself, to be vulnerable, and to show your emotions to those around you in all their variations and nuances.

How can I access my courage to push myself out of my comfort zone?-VIII of Cups rx You've gotta break old emotional patterns and get out of that comfort zone! The VIII of Cups sees you leaving behind outdated and unneeded emotions that keep you trapped. You can now surrender the past to stay in the past. The first step away from an entrenched emotional pattern is to realize that you do indeed havea pattern that you are stuck in and believe that you can get out of it. You can change the way you feel. There is no law of the Universe that you must have a specific emotional reaction to a specific situation. You can decide to feel differently when the same old things come up.

For example, if you are mired in sadness and despair whenever you think of finding a partner, imagine instead if you felt enthusiastic and inspired to share you life whenever you think about finding a partner. You don't have to feel sad, even if you have had no luck finding anyone. You don't have to feel despair, no matter how long it is taking. You can believe that you will find someone. You can to trust that there is a partner out there for you and that you will find that person. The VIII of Cups reversed begs you to allow that things can be different and that you can feel in new ways than what you have been experiencing up until this point. No matter what the situation and how stuck you are in an emotional pattern, you can break free and feel and experience life in a whole new way. It is possible.

How can I express myself in a fun, creative, and fiery way with the Aries New Moon?-III of Pentacles The III of Pentacles asks you to work with a group of like-minded people, allowing each person in the group to bring diverse skills and perspectives to the table. Connecting and sharing with others brings you more fully into this world as you show yourself and you in return are seen. It can be best to focus on doing something physical, creating something, or at least sharing a physical space with those you are communicating with. The internet is a wonderful place to meet people, but the III of Pentacles suggests that now is the time to go to a party or a meeting or a class and share a room and breathing air with the people with whom you are talking. Maybe a simple first step is admitting to a friend, relative, or trusted pet, that you are trying to break free of your comfort zone. Every little step counts and just expressing your desire to change and feel/act/be different is a great place to start.

The III of Pentacles denotes learning, so remember that you don't have to have an epiphany or have it all figured out in order to be making progress. Show up each day with the intention of leaving old emotional patterns behind and developing new patterns. Remember, it took you a very long time, perhaps your entire life, to create the pattern you are in now. It could take you a while now to develop and cultivate your new pattern. You are consciously choosing your emotions now and that will speed up the process for sure, but still, Rome wasn't built in a day. Be patient as you place each brick to build your new emotional patterns. Being gently with yourself and finding a support system of people who care about you and want to see you succeed, and might even help you build your new patterns, is a wonderful idea. Set an intention at this New Moon in Aries to kick off the zodiac year with trust, belief, and faith in yourself and the Universe that you can change the parts of yourself that are no longer useful and grow new habits that will serve your highest purpose.

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this tarot reading for the New Moon in Aries. I'm going to give this reading a good long think as I go about setting my own intentions for the next lunar cycle. I have emotional patterns of fear of vulnerability, turning in, and hiding in my shell that I am consciously working to reveal and dispel. If you would like to work with me and the energy of the New Moon in Aries, I'm available for email tarot readings at this time!