Allowing Yourself to Soar with the Page of Swords

You are the Page of Swords, bursting with ideas and thoughts, ready to take flight and soar to great heights of understanding. At the same time, you know that you must start where you are at now. You can't skip ahead to a time when you know everything, you must first go through the learning process of gaining wisdom, little by little, day by day. Sometimes you will make progress in fits in starts, sometimes you will backtrack, sometimes you will go astray. The Page of Swords calls that a thrill, sees it as the facts of reality, and continues on undaunted, always active mentally and sharping that wit...


Keywords: mentally active, talkative, communicative, curious, questioning, exploring, acting out thoughts, enthusiastic

Reversed:  unsure of thoughts, doubtful, anxious, worried, uncommunicative, distant, unwilling to learn, shy, reserved


The Page of Swords carries is an enthusiastic, vibrant energy of openness to ideas and the willingness to act on those ideas. This card may represent you in the reading, or it could be a person that is influencing your life at this time. The Page of Swords knows how to soar, to pick up on a thought or an idea and take off with it. There is a freshness and a newness to your thoughts at this time that makes you want to just fly away with them and see where they take you. It's almost guileless and innocent, this quest to figure things out and explore new concepts and constructs. You are willing to allow various updrafts and errant winds to push you hither and thither and can actually enjoy a measure of uncertainty when it comes to a final destination.

You have this conception that you are doing a good job of learning your lessons and can therefore integrate each piece of knowledge you accumulate into your life as you go. Each piece of the puzzle you uncover adds depth of understanding to your life. This process of learning and integrating is challenging but fun for you. As each new idea is fleshed out and processed and analyzed, you come into greater wisdom that you can apply to your life situation. It feels like your life is expanding and you can see a larger part of the whole.

It's not all clear sailing though, as there are many things left to learn and clouds that will get in your way. You can't quite see everything you want to see, and this inability to grasp the entire picture can be frustrating. There is a tension of impatience and wanting to get on with it already. The temptation to fly higher than you are ready to is tempting and can get you into situations which are way over your head at this point. It can be difficult to start where you are at, but that is really the only way to learn. There is no shame in not understanding or being able to do something that it has taken your teachers a long time to master. You can be the pupil now, you can let someone else be the master.

The Page of Swords loves to communicate. Now is a great time to write and speak more with the new people you meet. You can also start sharing your new ideas with people you already know, or decide to start communicating differently. Perhaps in the past you haven't be very forthcoming or articulate when it comes to talking to other people about what is in or on your mind. This could be a great time to shake up that scenario and start to open yourself to sharing. This can also be applied to networking. Oftentimes, we need to get out fresh ideas in front of the right people at the right time. The Page of Swords energy boosts you up to express yourself and start talking up your ideas out in public.

Page of Swords reversed: When you draw this card in the reversed orientation, it can show that you are feeling a bit closed off from possibility. You may even be falling into the trap of thinking that everything is impossible, you're stuck, that there is no way forward. When you direct your energy inward with the Page of Swords reversed, you finds fault with logic and ways of thinking. You figure that since you does know one thing, than you can deduce nothing from your situation. When the Page of Swords reversed allows for nothing besides the idea that all thoughts are shallow, unformed, and wrong, you get quite down about the state of your mental affairs. You can't move forward with the kind of openness and willingness to explore that is in your best interest at this time.

Right now, you think that you need to know more before you can take action. You have too much to learn and are overwhelmed with the process and the mountain of things you need to know before you will be "ready". You think it's desirable to stay in your comfort zone of what little you do know, and not take any risks to go out exploring. This is akin to a bird staying on the ground because it has never flown before. Remember that you have wings, remember that your brain is capable of learning so much more, remember that you have to jump and free fall before you can figure out the next step. That is your nature as a human. That is your reality. It's imperative that you push yourself to try harder when you see the Page of Swords reversed in a reading. Your current mode is to stay safe, but not pushing yourself won't get you to your goal.

The reversed Page of Swords may be a person in your life that you desperately want to help to take flight. She or he seems so stuck and you're willing to take those necessary steps in order for her/him to grow. You'll do the hard work in order to nurture and protect this gentle soul. That's not how it works, though! Your special person has to do the work, has to make the effort, has to leave the old comfort zone. You can't grow for someone else. You have to stand back and let that person learn and understand on his/her own terms and in his/her own time.