Tarot 101: One Card Readings

A one card reading can be a powerful thing. Pulling just one card allows you to be quick and hopefully clear and concise. At the same time, you can really focus in on that one card and glean a ton of meaning and advice from it. But how do you go about this simple reading? Here is some advice.

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Deirdre Doran
Moving on with the VIII of Cups

There is generally a bit of a nose wrinkle or sigh of defeat when the VIII of Cups comes up in a reading. It usually shows up when it is time to release and let go of something. And usually that something is a very important something that you’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and heart into and therefore aren’t pumped about letting go.

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Deirdre Doran
Coping with the IX of Swords

When I draw the IX of Swords, I don’t just think, “Anxiety time!” I also think about how to cope with this anxiety. What are the tools in my toolbox that I can use to help me through this tough time? The card is a reminder to open up that toolbox, whether I knew beforehand that I was anxious or not.

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Deirdre Doran
Time Flies with the VIII of Wands

Why do I feel like the VIII of Wands is the perfect card for this week? Mostly because it shows rapid movement, time flying, messages coming in hot and fast, and swift change happening. That’s how I feel about my life right now.

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Deirdre Doran
The IV of Swords Deserves a Rest

No matter how much energy, drive, ambition, or determination one may have to enjoy a thing to the fullest, it can get tiring. We are only human afterall. My favorite tarot card for promoting rest is the IV of Swords.

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Deirdre Doran
Reflections on an Emperor Year

Today, I’d like to reflect and write about five ways that Emperor energy showed up for me last year. If you’re interested in learning more about The Emperor tarot card and how to interpret it’s meaning, read on!

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Deirdre Doran
Advice for a Busy Season

I’ve been trying to come up with some ways to soothe the season and make it more on the enjoyable end and less on the overtired scale. I’ve come up with a few things I am going to try out and I thought I’d share them with you.  So, here are my three tips for navigating a busy season!

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Deirdre Doran
A Mid-Year Solstice Check In

It’s time for a check in, here is the moment to assess what 2024 has been so far. What goals did I set at the beginning of the year? Am I going after them? Have they changed? What do I want to accomplish in the rest of the year? Are you asking yourself these questions now too? What answers are you coming up with? Write them down!

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Deirdre Doran
Loving Yourself When You’re Not Perfect

There is always that nagging feeling that I could do better than my best, though. I have been raised with the often overt and sometimes subliminal message that I am not living up to my potential. I could do more, and do it better, if I just applied myself! Do you relate?

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Deirdre Doran